Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: (Vote & Comment)

~In Hell~

My head was throbbing as I took in my surroundings. I was in the dungeon I was in before with Liz and Eric. I tried to move and failed miserably. My hands ached.

I managed to look up and saw my hands held up by chains and weeds and plants and God knows what. My legs had the same stuff around them.

I wiggled my way around but couldn't do anything. I was weak. I looked ahead of me and saw John bleeding to death. Now the scene was heartbreaking but would it be bitchy if I said it didn't really affect me, at all.

"Alex..." He moaned.

I had to help him for two reasons.

1. He is my husband and that must have some meaning to me.

2. We are linked. If anything happens to him, I feel it. I didn't want to fall like today.

"Yow, I'm right here." I said gracefully.

I was searching for a weak spot to tear those things apart. John was to broken to talk. Literally, I could sense his bones being broken.

"Yow?" He managed to mutter to himself then his eyes flew wide open. "Your emotions..."

"Gone, poof, lost with the wind as it howls its way down south." I said casually.

The thing about not having your emotions was that you'd be fearless.

"John you need to let that go now, let's focus on surviving." I told him with an assuring smile.

“Well isn’t that lovely, the epic couple meet.” Jensen said as he waved around a metal bat.

Metal bat, where the fuck did he get that from? If he touched John or me with it, I will make sure his little flawless pretty face become little pixie dust.

“Epic indeed, missed me muffin?” A blue eyed King-Kong said as he faced me.

“Sammy, I have missed you. What, did Lulu make you watch me over and do I a massage? My neck is a bit cranky.” I said glaring at him.

He saw the flame in my eyes and took a couple of steps back towards Jensen.

“No one told me she had her dark voodoo hoodoo whatever triggered. Do you have any idea what that lunatic is capable of?” King-Kong told angel over there.

“As long as we keep John, we keep her weak. Now man up, she’s just a nine-teen year old. Power my ass; I can whip hers even if she was loose.”

“Wanna bet angel fairy?” I asked interrupting Jensen.

John was still in and out of conscious trying to process the whole idea. I could feel his pain in me and tried my best to stop it.

“I’ll win in a heartbeat.” Jensen said.

Good, he fell to my trap. He set me loose from whatever kept me hanging and I fell face making out with the floor. He chuckled. Sam backed away; bat in hand, ready to smack John when needed. I already knew they were gonna use him to make me weaker but nonetheless, I was working on a plan.

I stood up shaking. What the others didn’t know was the fact I was pretending. What better way to face your opponent?

Jensen charged at me grabbing me by the neck. I allowed him to knock the air out of me for a while. After about five seconds I swiftly turned, did a front kick to the stomach yanking him backwards. He fell on his back. I raised his head and smashed my elbow with his collar. I believe I might have broken his teeth. Bravo Alex, I cheered myself.

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