Chapter Seven- In Sickness and in Health

Start from the beginning

Jason watched as his wife cutely struggled to stay still and keep from swaying. Clearly she wasn’t the type of girl who wore heels very often.

“Need a hand?” he offered smoothly in a half amused tone.

Alice shot her husband a stern look, but didn’t deny the offer. She grabbed his shirt to keep from falling and steadied herself against his chest. 

Jason beamed down at the blonde haired woman. Even with the addition of her high-heels, his above average stature and her below average height meant that she only barely reached the same level as his shoulder.

It took a few moments for Alice to completely steady herself, and a few more to realize how close she was to Jason. Embarrassed, she flattened her hands against his chest and pushed some distance between them. 

Alice let her palms linger for a few extra seconds before lowering them. She knew he was fit. But not that fit. He was alluringly firm.

Enough, Alice!

She told her mind to shut up before it went any further.

“Are you ready?” Jason muttered seriously, oblivious to his wife’s inappropriate train of thought.

“For what?” she mumbled, frowning in confusion.

Jason raised an eyebrow at the blonde and held up his wine glass and a fork.

Alice gave him a confused look.

“What’re you on ab-”

Jason cut her off by tapping his glass with the fork and clearing his throat. The people closer to him ceased talking and turned to face him. Eventually the rest of the guests got the idea until the whole room was a sea of smiling faces. All eyes on Alice and Jason.

“Oooooohh....” was all Alice could manage.

Speech time.

Jason grinned at the crowd. 

The crowd grinned back.

Alice did her absolute best to ignore the frosty stare she was receiving from her mother-in-law.

“Thank-you all very much for coming.” Jason began. “Uhhh... yes.. well... Everyone, i would like you to meet my wife, Alice!”

His words were met with a symphony of applause. A fair few people cheered. A couple of, what appeared to be, Jason’s friends were giving him thumbs up and slowly nodding their heads in approval.

Alice smiled feebly. The attention she was getting was a little to much for her. The nervous young woman wasn’t sure what to do. She acknowledged the crowd with a small, timid wave.

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