Chapter.23:Left alone

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Sehun pov.
as i was sitting on the edge of the bed i saw somthng on the table as soon as looked at the paper i stumbled from my it was a note.

by the time ur reading this letter i will no longer be in korea well i got to know everythng about u and ela im happy about that u got ur love of life back as i was really an idiot to fall in love with even though u never loved me but know that ur love is back i dont want to act like third person in ur love stroy though our marrige was an arranged.
u manage to make happy alot of time, u know the time i have spend with are like a precious treasure to me and i have left somethng more on the table i hope u have a happy life i wish u luck and i never said properly i should say know i love u but this does not matter anymore take care...

love yoona...

this letter what does that mean she is never going to comeback damn i can feel hot water streaming down from my eyes as i truned i was shocked to notice thr was divorce papers and it was also had yoona's sing damn she even did this gosh its crazy and started to run back and forth running my hands through my hands. what the hell should i do whr should i find her.

this girl is driving me crazy know as i took a look at the letter thr were tears i know its yooma why u said u love me and u left me alone damn and punched the wall blood started to flow from my hands.

ring ring

who the hell is calling know as i accepted the call "hello sehun i need ur help" she said its ela. "ya im comming" i said and ended the call.

as i arrived to her hotel whr she is staying know "sehun" she said and hugged me thightly what happend i didnt bothr to hug her back and pushed her she was shocked with this "Actually sehun u know what i thnk i remember who tried to kill me" she said "what" i said with tell me about it look.

"Sehun when i was hit by the car and i was lying on the floor i heard the car door was opening i heard his foot steps i couldnt see him properly as my eyes were blurry i heard him saying that if i cant be his then he wont let me be your's and left i thnk it was all ur enemy work he wanted to kill me because he dont want to see u happy with me" she said. i was shocked who can do that i really need to get into the depth of it.

"dont worry afifa we need to find him but before that lets plan and we need to spread the news that u are in korea and ur alryt u didnt died" i said she nodded.

how can she be alive till know this is crazy i killed her with my own hand's i saw her lying in the pool of blood around her and she is alive no way she cant be alive no you wont afifa u need to die my love ill kill u again this time i'll make sure u die(evil laugh)..

Author pov.

as ela was going back to her hotel someone held her hand that man was covered with mask and holding knife in his hand. he was about to stab the knife into her stomach sehun held his hand and throw a punch on his face and tried to uncover the face of the person and was successful in it.

Sehun pov
i was litrelly shocked the person whom i trusted till know was the one who tried to kill my afifa damn what im thnking she is not mine "taylor" i managed to speak with sad tone. "yes sehun its me" he said with anger. "tell me why the hell did u tried to kill her" as i held his collar and was facing him.

he started to laugh what the hell is he crazy "well sehun the truth is that i was really in love with ela since i saw her but u took her away from me what u thought i will let u both be happy no way i wont to hell with ur frndship i tried to kill her because if she cant be mine she will not be your and u know what sehun the pics u saw of yoona and jhon was also send by me because i never wanted to see u happy u both were happy how can u be happy when u lost ur first love so i did that yes i did everythng to make ur life misrable i hate u i was never ur true from i just had alwys hated you" he said.

"but it was easy to make ur life misrable i tried to kill ela she was alrdy died and the pics i send created alot of problems in ur life and" he said and came more closer to me "yoona left u god this was fun i never regret doing anythng like this it gave me much happiness ur really a pitiful guy sehun but one thng is left i meed to kill her he said and was about to stab the knife but

we herad bullet sound and it hit to taylor on his hand and knife fell from his hands and the cops caught him.

"i can never believe that u were a back stabber i thought u were my friend" i said and slapped his face he just smirked at me and cops took him away.

Ela came near to me she was damn crying and looked at me "sorry beacuse of me yoona left u but i thnk u should fight for her and bring her back" she said and smiled at me weakly i just nodded at her with a smile "now ur safe" i said.

"you love her alot dont u" she said "what u mean" i said and glanced at her "u eyes shows how much u miss her" she said "well u know i can read ur eyes since i was with u for long time why dont u go and search for her" she said. "damn that's what the problem i even dont know the hell where she is that girl surely knows how to make people worry" i said.

she giggled at me anger "well sehun if u love her u will find her by the way im going back to paris tomrw" she said "why so soon" i said with low tone she just smiled at me "because i have my pending work thr and i hope u and yoona a very happy life" she said and hugged me this time i hugged back just a friendly hug though...

Now just wait yoona im comming for u.....


so guys what u thnk about the chapter what will feroz do to get in touch with arfiya....????

what u think about taylor???

okey this is going to end guys yes im stroy is near to end maybe one more chapter and its finished.

please give me ur views about the story i would love to know ur thought about it...

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