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Yoona pov
As i have completed my shopping with liza i was having a look around the mall actully i wanted to give a present to Sehun but i dont understand what to give i have never ever gave a present to a guy tho what should i do as  was looking for present someone tapped my shoulder i turned around to see who is it it was jhon.

"Hiii Yoona what are you doing here" he asked "ohhh jhon what a silly question what people do in the mall "i asked him with arms crossed he started laughing gosh Sehun ohh wait do i remember sehun now u idiot...

"let me help u" jhon said as he smiled at me "ya sure lets go i want to buy a gift for sehun tho" i said but jhon looked at me with sad eyes. as we went in shop i will a tie for him it will be cool because it looks good on him as i was looking at ties thr are so many gosh which colour should i choose now but something catch my attention it is a dark blue tie with white strips this is perfect it will suit Sehun perfectly as i turned around to show the tie to jhon but suddnly.
jhon hugged me what happened to him right now i was thinking then he broke the hug gosh im shocked now.

"im sorry about it ari but i juste wanted to hug u i hope u dont mind" he said what should i say i cant say that i dont like it he is may friend tho " problem jhon its okey" i said. "lets buy this one" i said jhon looked at me and smiled "ya sure lets buy that one" he said aftr the shopping is finished he bought me bubble tea "hmmm u got ur tea on lips" he said as he leaned closer nd wipe it off "thanks" i said.

unknown person

well great this pics are enough to create misunderstanding between yoona and sehun smile how much u want yoona that will be wipe off...

im going to keep it here on the table guess as Sehun can see it gosh im so evil...

Yoona pov
well im on my way to house as i went to my room i saw sehun was sitting on the edge of the bed i went near to him "sehun i need to show u something" i said with huge smile he didnt bother to look at me he was staring at the photos i dont know whose pics are those i was worried as i kept my hand on his shoulder "is thr something wrong" i asked with low tone he then looked at me and slapped my hand he was angry his eyes they were damn red now.

"you know what look at this what is this are you trying to make my family name go down" he said as i looked it was the pics when jhon hugged me and one pic was when jhon was kissing actully not kissing but whipping the bubble tea gosh who did this tho. "you know sehun he is my friend and thrs nothng between us" i said with low and calm tone how can he doubt on me now. "what ever you i dont care but please dont drag my family name in it" he shouted i was afraid from his voice and took my steps back "look sehun why would be with anyone else cause im married to u" i said. "what ever just remember that we are pretending infront of our family but in this room we are strangers" he said with huge anger. "but listen to me" i said as tears rolling down from my eyes just leave me alone he said and slammed the door. as im crying ryt now tears are escaping from my eyes.

i love him only him im not cheating on him why cant he just listen to me me and jhon didnt do anythng i want to tell him everything that its just a misunderstanding nothng else why cant he listen im i not good for him cant he just trust me one how can he think tht im spoiling his family name im not that bad tho... i cant do anythng i feel heavy right now and thrs no more water in my eyes to escape thn i drifted to sleep....

Sehun pov
flash back.....

well gosh im tired today thr was lot of work at office i think i need to take a good week holiday as i was walking towards the cupboard i saw something on the table i took it in my hands it is an envelope what could be inside may be something important as i opened the envelope i saw thr are some photos i took them out i was shocked to notice it was yoona and his frnd jhon they both are hugging each other and he was kissing her.

i thought she liked me is she cheating on me i cant hold it my anger out of control now my blood is boiling right now how can she do that to me and my family. how can damn she has an affair im really angry right now i saw she was in the room...

end of flash back ...

i want to trust her but what i saw i cant ignore it too i mean freaking hell she is having an affair with his friend how can she gosh i need to go home now its damn late now..

unknown pov.

well well its interesting to watch it he looks good with this situation i must say how much i love to see u sad and crying sehun its not over now thr are more things to come i hope u will be fine with it lets just see what happens next..hahahaha (evil laugh)


finally i have completed my 19 chapter well im sorry i couldnt update i wasnt getting any idea...

thanks fir reading i hope u guys enjoyed the chapter plz do comment and vote ill be waiting.

should i continue to write the stry or stop it...

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