My story called 3

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Hey guys this is my book series I am writing pls read this is the prolouge of book one that I have finished. Go read!!

Running through the woods was a girl.




Lightning cracked above. Trees swayed above her as she shoved aside branches with cuts on her face and the wind blowing in her ears and hair. She was about 13, with medium dark hair around her shoulders, currently matteddown by the rain. Her eyes were a light hazel color, and she wore tattered jeans and a white t-shirt. She heard a rustling in a nearby bush and stopped. Staring at it as it slowly moved closer. She looked up and wished it would stop rusting. Lightning came down and hit the bush, and the girl whimpered, wondering how this has happened. The bush stopped rustling.

She creeped forward, and slowly peeked open the bush.

Standing there, was a boy of about 17, with dark shaggy hair, and a half smile on his face. He looked perfectly fine, other than the pieces of the bush on him that had burned. Next to him, another boy of about 17, with blond hair and a scar above his upper lip. That boy too, looked even less damaged, and a bubble was slowly fading from around them, like it had been protecting them from the bolt. The boy with dark hair looked up at her, and the girl frowned, slightly confused. As the wind whipped around them, he whispered, "We thought we would find you here," and and the girl was shocked. All of the sudden, exhaustion overwhelmed her, and her vision went dark.

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