Percabeth Headcannon

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Percy and Annabeth were so close to closing the doors of death. All they had to do was cut the chains. Percy and Annabeth had traveled through so much together and would NOT lose each other.

Percy rolled under a monster and stabbed it's back. He jumped over a bump in the ground and tripped midair. He tried to get up but felt something pinning his leg. He ripped his pants free from a bone coming out of the ground and kept running. He ran and stabbed monsters, ran and stabbed monsters. He ran until he found Annabeth again. She was facing a pack of winged spirits. If they were killed by someone, that someone would develop a curse. Before Percy could warn her, Annabeth charged, slashing three spirits at a time.

"Annabeth!!"" Percy cried out and stumbled towards her as she collapsed. She winced and tears poured down her cheeks as she held her side.

She had an arrow in her arm, a sword wound on her side, and when he looked into her eyes, and said, "Annabeth, your gonna be okay," she said, "Percy? Where are you??" She got up ignoring the wounds and stumbled around, calling Percy's name.

"Percy! Why did you leave me? I love you...? Why? Why?"

Every time he got close to her, she would reappear somewhere else farther and farther away.

"Percy!!! Where did you go? Why did you leave me?? Percy!!! I loved you!" Tears were streaming down her cheeks. Percy was desperately calling to her, telling her he was right there.

"Percyyyyy!!! Why did you leave me for them? I love you! I love you! Stop leaving meeee!!" She stumbled clutching her wound. All of the sudden, Percy felt icy cold run down his spine. Behind Annabeth, was a dark silhouette. He had a dagger pointed at her.

"ANNABETH!" Percy cried. He desperately tried to warn her.

She said, "oh Percy! Is that you, seaweed brain! I love you! I love-" she was cut off by the dagger plunged into her heart. Percy cried out in pain. He fell to his knees, like he felt Annabeths pain. He didn't care that monsters were swarming above him. He didn't care that he was about to die. At lease he would be with his love, Annabeth. He lay down and let the monsters take him to Annabeth, where he belonged.

Hope you guys liked it? Anyone crying? PERCABETHHHHHHH sorry it was so short...:D

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