Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The wind blowing through my hair, was like nothing I've ever experienced before. I felt like I was flying. During one point I even let go of Conner's fur and threw my arms in the air while laughing. It was so much fun, like when your on a roller coaster and you have that first drop where your stomach gets pushed up to your throat. Well this whole run was like that. I didn't want him to stop, It was like a drug for me. If we didn't have to talk, I would have asked him to run for hours if he could.

It was to much to ask though. He started to slow down a little and was soon at a full stop. Laying down so that I could get off his back. He walked away from me, I'm guessing to change into the clothes he had in his mouth.

When he walked back into the clearing, I'm pretty sure my heart stopped beating. I couldn't breath, I felt like I was hit in the stomach and all the air was taken out of me. That only happened because there just had to be the most gorgeous man standing in front of me with only a pair of shorts on and I might add that they were hanging very low. Gazing at his body like a starving kid with a piece of birthday cake. His chest is fully toned to the point if you walked into him, it would feel like hitting a brick wall. What I wouldn't give to just run my hands down those hard muscles. Going down a little bit looking at his waist, I could just picture my legs wrapped around him. Oh gosh, is it getting hot outside or is it just me? Oh and look at those rock solid legs of his.

I bet I'm drooling now. Shit. Oh well, I just can't stop looking at him. I mean come on people im 23 and still a virgin, most women now days lose it a lot sooner than that age.

I guess since he is my mate and all, my body is finally telling me that it needs him to make me feel complete.

What am I talking about? I don't wanna have sex with him right now. Bad Isabelle, bad! You do not need him that bad that you have to jump his bones right this very minute. Oh, what the heck was I saying of course I got it bad. The moment I saw him, I knew I was in deep shit. 

All I wanna do is trail hot kisses up his chest to that perfect mouth of his, now that I think about it.

Looking up through my eye lashes, I see that he was checking me out the same way I was to him. His perfect lips lifted up in a little smirk, like he knew what I wanted to do to him. Oh, crap can he read minds? I didn't think to ask that question. Shit, shit, shit. How could I be so stupid?

All thoughts left my mind as he brought his head up and our eyes connected. The warmth, love and is that desire, I saw in them. Yup, I am so a goner. I stand no chance what so ever against the sexy god.

His smirk, going into a evil grin as I stare lovingly at him. Wait lovingly? I can't love him for crap shakes, I just met the dude. But for some reason I felt like I have known him all my life and that I was falling for him hard. I wonder if it has to do with this mate business, I bet it does.

Back to his evil grin, well I didn't really have much time to think about it because in the next moment, he had me backed up against a tree with one hand on my cheek and the other on my lower back bringing us closer together. My breath hitches as he looks me in the eyes with such hunger that my legs start to wobble. Pushing his whole body against mine, I let out a little moan at the pure pleasure of being this close to him. Hearing him growl at the satisfaction of making me moan, I loose all control. Grabbing his head with my hands I slam my lips to his, not giving him a chance to pull back. Even though with the way his hands started to pleasure my body, I doubt that he wanted to stop any time soon. Breaking our lips apart to get some air into my burning lungs, I start to move my hands down the front of his chest and oh does it feel good against my fingers. He didn't stop kissing me when I pulled away, his perfect lips leaving a trail of hot kissed down my throat to the base of my neck. Nipping a little bit at my skin another moan escapes my swollen lips. His hands slowly move to my hips, with a little bit of force he pulls me even closer to him making him moan this time. I can now clearly feel how much he is turned on with me being this close, which was a good thing because my mind finally jolted back to the fact that I was in a strangers arms making out with him and probably on our way to having sex.

Don't get me wrong, I so wanna have sex with this man, but the fact that I don't know him and not wanting to be a slut. I push him away with all my strength. Which by the way isn't much.

Not expecting me to do that he stumbles back a couple of steps breathing hard just like me.

Not really wanting to stand in front of him at this point in time. I let him know I'm going for a run.

"I know my besties told me not to run from a wolf, but at this moment I need to stretch my legs and calm down. I'll be right back, I promise. We still have things to talk about."

"We can't and won't let you out of our sight. If you want to run, let us run behind you or to the side. My wolf and I don't like the fact that you would be out of our sight. We would both be at ease if you would let us come with you. I'll let you know right now that if you won't let us come, he will take over and come after you. He is a very stubborn wolf and doesn't like being told no, specially if it concerns our mate, which is you," putting his hands on his hips.

"Fine you can come, but you better act like you are not there please."

"Your wish is our command, our mate," tilting his head down.

With that said, I ran way from him again.

I wonder if this is gonna be a normal thing for me. Running away from him I mean.

Thank you for reading

I just wanted to let you know I started a second and third books so if you could check them out and let me know what ya think, I would love it.

Love, Gun's and Tattoo's-------               One Female for Two Alpha's ------


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