Soon we were all sitting at the table eating, Payton still humming to the cartoon and Jace giggling whenever I tried to feed him.

After we ate we all gathered in the living room and made a blanket fort. Payton said that it was needed and to watch funny cartoons. Once the fort was up and piles of pillows and blankets covered the living room both of them were out. Payton was curled up with her giant fur pillow while Jace was sprawled across the floor.

When I climbed out of the fort to get something to drink the front door opened slightly. I froze and watched Harry slowly walk through the door with his shoulders hunched over and his hair in a messy bun. When he turned around my heart sunk, the bags under his eyes were worse then mine, his eyes were extremely puffy and red along with his cheeks and face being red and blotchy. He over all looked ten times worse then I did.

We both stood there staring at each other not knowing what to say, he searched my face in look of answers while I did the same to him.

"Baby, I'm sorry." He said quietly, almost inaudible. His eyes started to have tears again almost falling, I could tell he wanted to come over and give me a hug but he was debating it. All I could do was stand there and look at him, I wanted to hug him so bad but held back.

"Please say something." He pleaded, his bag slipped from his shoulder, hitting the ground with a thud.

"What do you want me to say?" My voice came out horse and quite. I hugged my arms around me and looked to the floor, like I was looking for a scrip on what I should say.

"Anything. Just please." I looked up to see that he inched a little closer to me, I wanted to take a step back but I felt paralyzed.

"What happened when I left?" I saw pain flash across his face but he didn't hide it, he kept looking at me.

"Y-yesterday I was forced to come out of the room because I wouldn't leave. One of my coworkers said that I had t-to get out and go to the last meeting, so I did. Everyone could tell that I was a mess, I sat through the whole meeting w-with my head down and the thought of how this c-came to happen." He looked down at the floor and wiped his nose with his hoodie sleeve. He was slowly crying and not meeting my eyes. I hugged myself tighter as my own eyes filled with tears.

"So um after the meeting I w-was just planning to pack and stay there until the next morning but Abby caught up with me before I could leave." I couldn't help but tense up at the sound of her name, the only thoughts running through my head was the bad ones. The ones I didn't want to hear.

"She asked if I was okay and where you were, but I wouldn't talk to her. I just kept walk but she never left me alone. She tried to hold my arm and go up the elevator with me but I stopped her. I told her that she needs to start leaving me alone because me and her would never happen. I told her that I love you and my family more than I'd ever love anything else. She tired to argue but I just kept telling her to leave me alone, she finally got the message after awhile and when the elevator shut on her face."

He was full on crying now and all I wanted to do was bawl right along with him and hold him. He was closer to me now, almost close enough to touch but I battled with my inner self on whether or not I should. If I hug him the it might show that I'm forgiving him but I don't want that. I can't just forgive him for what's happened.

But if I don't hug him the it could show that I could never forgive him.

"I'm so sorry Zayn. I can't even look at myself the same anymore because I hurt you so bad. I never wanted to be that person in the relationship that c-cheats. I'm so sorry." I've never seen him cry like this. Not this hard. I pushed all my thoughts away and just went with my heart and walked up to him and hugged him the hardest I could.

Once his arms were around my waist I started to let the tears fall. His grip on my waist was strong as he cried in my neck, his whole body shaking. We hugged until Harry cried himself out and he was just standing in my arms.

I pulled away at the sound of movement from the fort, Harry let go of me and walked towards it. He knelt to climb into it and I heard cheering from Payton and giggling from Jace.

While he was in the fort I pulled my phone out quickly to call Louis. I walked to the patio and waited for him to answer.


"Hey Lou, Harry came back and I don't know how to do anything regarding the situation. Like I don't know what to say or think." I sat on the chair and closed my eyes taking a breath.

"Well, don't forgive him so easily. Just make sure to talk to him about it and try to gain that trust back up."

"He told me that before he left he told Abby that he could never love her because he loves me and the kids more than anything. He also told her to leave him alone and not to keep on him like she always is."

"At least he talked to you about it right when he got home. Do you believe him?"

"I don't know Lou. I don't want to lose him, he's the best thing that's ever happened to me. I can't-" I covered my mouth with my hand to stop me from sobbing. I could feel my body start to shake as I tried not to cry.

"You won't lose him Zayn. And he's not going to lose you. If he didn't try and talk to you the moment he got home then I would say other wise but I don't see that happening. I can see that you guys are going to get through this and work it out. Just don't distance yourself from him or the kids. That's the worse thing you could do." I shook my head knowing that he couldn't see me but it was a reassurance to myself.

I can't just sit here and wait it out I had to push myself through it. I had to or I was going to lose the love of my life.


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