|T W E N T Y-S E V E N|

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"I have feelings for you." He said.

I froze.
I heard it.
He said it.
He really said it.

"Really?" I asked.

"Really. You're so sweet and you have the kindest heart. You make me smile and I think about you all the time. I even begged my mom and dad to go to the same school as you. Actually, my schedule was completely different from yours at first. I had no classes with you at all, so I had to go to the principal and beg. The only ones he let me have with you were Chorus and Algebra. It may have not seemed like it when we were younger, but you actually mean a lot to me. I don't know what I would do without you. I've never gotten along with anyone better then I have with you. I feel so happy when I'm with you and comfortable. I feel like I can be myself, and I know you wouldn't judge me. To me, you're beyond far from perfect, but that's how I like it. I don't want you to be perfect, because being perfect is overrated and unreal. A perfect girl isn't real, and a real girl isn't perfect. Besides all that, I find you absolutely beautiful. Between you're face, eyes, hair, smile, and even eyelashes, you're gorgeous. I've never poured my heart out that much before, sorry if it was over whelming." He said.

"No Mario. It wasn't overwhelming at all. Thank you. I feel the exact same about you." I said with a big smile and blushed cheeks.

"Really?" He asked.

"Of course I do." I said.

"So we feel the exact same with each other?" He asked.

"Seems like it to me." I said.

"So...does that mean you'd say yes if I asked you out..?"

My heart melted to the ground.
I just nodded my head.
I couldn't even speak.

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