|T W E L V E|

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I didn't have time to call Mario back because I was in a rush to get ready for school. I kinda felt bad, but I didn't want to be late.

As I was at my locker before second period, someone taps on my shoulder and I seriously jumped.


Literally everyone in the hallway, stared at me.

"I'm going here now." He said.

I didn't quite know why I was so happy about seeing him, but I just was.

"That's great. Ooh sorry about not answering you're call. I was in a rush to get ready."

"Oh it's fine. I don't mind. Take you're time."

After he said that, he then did a sort of smile that I can't explain but it made my heart beat twenty times faster then usual.
And I don't know why.

We started to walk down the hallway. To be completely honest, I wasn't even looking where I was going. All my attention was on Mario for some reason.

"So, do you know you're schedule?" asked.

"Yea, Principal Dunks actually gave it to me this morning." He replied.

He showed me his schedule and we had no classes together besides Algebra and Chorus.

"Hey I have Algebra and Chorus at that time too." I said.

"Really?! That makes me feel better." He grinned. Again.

Like I said, I guess I really wasn't paying attention at all to where I was going...I ran into a water fountain (that another kid was using) and my books fell and water got all over me.

"OH MY LORD" I tried to say without yelling.

"LET ME HELP YOU." Mario said.

At that time, I really didn't see how he could help me. I mean, unless he rewinded time. Once the water was on me, I just had to wait for it to dry but no...
Mario just had to be a gentleman.

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