|T W E N T Y-F I V E|

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I seriously couldn't even sleep. I was thinking about Mario all night. I was so excited for 8:00 to come around. I just wondered what he had in mind.

I got a text from Mario,

"Good Morning.🌹"

That text made me smile so much. Probably because I was also imagining him actually saying that. All day, I was planning out what to wear, what shadow pallet to use, and what to do with my hair. I was first thinking of wearing a red dress, but it had short sleeves and it was now fall.

Instead, I picked out a blue, glittering, long sleeve dress. With some black high heels, pearl necklace and earrings to match. I then decided to use my Nude eye shadow pallet. Then I chose to make my hair extra curly instead of straight.

Seven hours later...

It was now 7:49 p.m and my mom was fine with me walking to the park. I actually felt confident in what I was wearing and how I looked. Hopefully Mario didn't think it was too much. I mean it took basically the whole day to decide and put on. When I arrived at the park, I didn't see Mario anywhere.
At all.

In fact, no one was here. The park was empty, which was weird because usually there's at least someone here. I turned around and was about to sit on the park bench, when suddenly..

Someone's gentle hands came up behind me, onto my eyes (that had mascara and eye shadow on them) I didn't really get scared because I kinda thought it would be Mario.

"Hey." He said with his cute voice.

He kept his hands over my eyes, but took one of them off to hold my hand instead. His hand is so cute and soft and it seriously felt perfect in mine. I knew I was blushing for sure.

"Keep those pretty eyes closed." He said.

"Okay." I said kinda nervously.

I could feel us walking up a hill. And I almost tripped with my high heels on.

"Open." He said. (Still holding my hand)

"Woah." I said.

There in front of me, were dangling fairy lights from each tree. Mario was in a nice outfit too. He had on black
dress pants and black dress shoes and was wearing a navy blue shirt. He of course looked absolutely amazing in it.

"What's all this for?" I asked.

The night was so beautiful. It wasn't too cold or hot at all. It was perfect. And so was he.

Mario handed me a bouquet of roses and it was so beautiful. I was so surprised, I almost cried. Then I remembered I had on mascara and eye shadow, so crying wasn't the best decision.

"Mario, these roses are beautiful and this is all so beautiful." I said.

"So are you." He said.

Okay. It was now to the point where he is such a gentleman, that I now feel like a princess around him. I never knew a boy like him even existed.

He held my hand tighter and we walked around the tree and on a separate path. There was a table with some food and desserts and candles lit up all around. The stars were even shining.

Once we sat down, he again pulled my chair aside for me.

"Thank you." I said.

"You're welcome." He said.

"You look absolutely beautiful." He said with a smile.

"Thank you, but you look much better." I said.

"Just so you know. If you would've come in a sweatshirt and sweatpants and some Uggs, I still would've told you that you look beautiful. You always do." He said with a smile, and HE blushed.

I tried to hold it in but I just couldn't.

"Aww." I said.

"Hah." He laughed.

The DanceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon