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It's now 4:48 p.m, and we're on our way to Fly Off You're Feet, -my new dancing academy. I'm excited, but also nervous. What if no one likes me there, or if the teachers don't think I'm good enough to be there. I'm just hoping and praying for the best. Class starts at 5:00 and my mom is dropping me off at the front door. She told me she couldn't come in because she has plans with her boyfriend, which I'm fine with. I mean they've been together for three in a half years by now, and he seems like a nice guy. Most importantly, he treats my mom right and I trust him.

"Okay, Alex, now remember honey. Call me if you need anything, and be careful on you're right ankle. Don't wanna get it fractured again. Just try you're best, and dance like nobody is watching. You got it." My mom said.

"Thanks mom. And I'll be careful, I promise. I will give it my all."

"That's my girl, Alex. Love you."

"I love you too mom."

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