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Hey guys it's Chihiro and I just wanted to bring up something that has recently happened in Michigan. So if you guys don't know a woman had gotten a divorce with her husband and he didn't take it well. So he killed her 4 kids in front of her. The guy killed the two younger kids by locking all of the car doors and they died of carbon dioxide poisoning and the other two were kill by getting shot in the head  execution Style. The reason I wanted to make this chapter was to tell you all about how sick people can be. I also wanted to pay my respects to the children because some of my friends knew them and they lived in my city. I also wanted to pray for the mother who had to watch it and who had to see her children buried at the funeral.

I want you guys to pray for the mother as well if you can...

I hope that she can carry on with her life and morn too long about it.


I'll Write Again Someday A Mizthan Fanfiction (Discontinued )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt