Chapter 13

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(Renee's POV)
I woke up the next morning and realized I didn't have to work today. So I got up and took a long cold shower to wake me up. When I got out I put my hair up in a messy bun then put on a tank top, red flannel, and black yoga pants with red sneakers. I then opened up my drug cabinet to get my contacts, when I realized I had ran out. Sighing, I walked to my bedside table and opened my glasses case. I pick up my glasses and put them on. ( the picture)

Today was the day I finally clean out my attic. I walk out of my room and into the hall to pull down the stairs to the attic. I jumped up to get the string and pulled it down when I hit the ground. I walked up the stairs and poked my head into the attic

The attic was dark other than the one window in the front and back. It was dusty like most attics but it was also finished. The attic was full of boxes, a round wood table, two chairs, and a bed.

As i looked around, I knew that this was gonna be a long day.....

(A/N) Hey I was bored and I just wanted to make another chapter. But there will be a part two to this chapter, and I made this one for a reason that you will see in the next chapter. So stay tuned, and I hope you will all have a great day. 😀 ~Chihiro

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