Chapter 1

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(Renee's Pov)

It was April in Michigan, still cold outside. It was mid-winter break and I had woken up to the sound of my Skype going off. I look over to my desk across from my bed to see that it was Max. I jumped up out of bed and clicked accept on my computer screen. I looked at him with a smile on my face, when he just laughed.  I gave him a 'what the hell' face when I looked over at my face cam to see I had the worst bed head ever. I told him to hang on for a sec and went to go change (outfit above) and to fix my long black hair. 10 minutes later I walk backed into my room.

R- Do I look better now?
M- Yes, yes you do.
R- So why did you call me?
M- So that i can see my best friend.
R- I thought you didn't like me?
M- That was when we first met.
R- I know.

It was June and I was in 8th grade. My teacher was calling names for pen pals.
2 minutes later, Ms. Simpson called my name.  I walked up to the big bowl of paper. I picked one up and opened it.

Lives in Louisiana
One hour be hide us

●Timeskip back home●

I sat down at my computer and emailed my pen pal Max to Skype me. Since it is an hour time difference,  I told him to call me around 6 pm his time. After, 1 long hour he called me. I unhappily accepted and turned on my face cam.

R- So you must be the little southern boy that I was assigned to.
M- And you must be the little Michigander that I heared so little
M and R- ......

Then we both busted out laughing

R- Well that was one way to make a first impression.
M- I didn't know I was gonna get another me to talk to.
R- Well I didn't plan on having a ginger boy with me.
M- Ok is this how we are gonna do this?
R- Yes, yes it is.
M- Well one of us has to do something right.  *clears throat* Hi my name is Max, I am 13 years old like you, I have anger management issues and I enjoy corn dogs.
R- It's nice to meet you Max, my name is Renee. I am also 13, I am anti social and I enjoy fried chicken and waffles.
M- I see we have a southern wanna be.
R-  No its just because I use to stay down there for the summer before my aunt moved.
M- Well then it is nice to meet you Renee
R- Likewise Max.

I never thought that this was the start of a great friendship, and the guy who was gonna make me feel happiness after the accident.

~Flashback Over~

Then my mom walked into my room  and told me that it was time to go to piano  practice.

M- Bye Ray.
R- Bye Max.

I turned logged out of Skype and turned off my computer.  Then I walked down stairs and headed out the door. I hopped onto my turquoise blue bike wnd headed off to the theater.

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