Chapter 3

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(Renee POV)

One week later~

I had just finished writing my letter to Max, when my little sister May ran into my room. "Rayray come on we're going out to get ice cream", May screamed out loud. " But its 29 degrees outside" I said, rubbing my ears to make sure I'm not deaf. "Come on Ray" she wined, " Ok fine" "YAY". I got up and put on my camouflage jacket  and ran downstairs. May, my parents, and I  all hopped into our car to head to Dairy Queen.


The car ride home was silent, but I will never forget what I saw and heard that day. We were coming down the street when we saw police cars flying down the street.  We pulled off to the side of the road to see what was going on. My parents hopped out of the car along with May and I. Then the caos started. We started hearing gun shots go off, out of instinct I duct to cover. Then  everything went black.

I woke up in a hospital room, only to see Mrs.Manciel. "What happened?" I asked wearily.  "A store was being robbed down the street. The 5 men drove away starting a police chase. They drove up the road starting to make more havoc they started a drive by shooting.", my eyes got big as she continued, " 7 people died....
Including your parents and sister."


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