Chapter 8

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(Max's POV)

"Ok mom. I'll be there". "Who was that?" Adam asked while walking into the room, "My mother, she's having a gathering in a week and I have to come. She also asked if you guys wanted to come." I said in a annoyed tone," I can't go but I know Ross can" "Ok thanks" and with that I was already on my way to Ross's office.

(Renee POV)

I was currently waiting tables at the diner I was working at, when a redheaded girl, wearing a purple and blue hoodie and jeans ran in and almost tackled me. " Dang, Abby slow down" I said almost spilling the coffie pot that was holding, " I'm sorry, Ray but a old family friend invited me to a party on a riverboat in a week and I wanted to know if you would like to join me?" Abby said excitedly "Sure, fancy or casual? " Fancy so now I want you to help me get ready" "Fine by me" I replied tiredly. This was gonna be a long week.

I'll Write Again Someday A Mizthan Fanfiction (Discontinued )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang