Chapter 20

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Renee's POV

It's funny. Max, he sounds exactly like my old pen pal, looks exactly like him, and his eyes, his eyes are exactly the same. I don't know why, it's a thing about me and eyes, I know they are the windows to the soul but they show so much emotion. Abby's eyes show so much happiness like she is gonna pop most of the time, Ross's eyes looks genuinely interested in everything, like he's looking for an adventure or something new, but Max's eyes were different. He always look like he was looking for someone or something most of the time but when he talked to me he looked pleased, like he always knew I would be there for him. But this Max his eyes are the same, like he was always looking for something bur when he looked at me, he had a sense of curiosity, like he knows me or like he was satisfied of how far he made it. I want to believe that this is my Max but at the same time, I'm not sure.


My train of thought was cut off by Abby poking me in my shoulder. "We're here" She said in a excited tone, I chuckled as Max opened my side of the door and Ross opened Abby's side. Once we were out, they closed our doors and I linked arms with Max as Abby linked arms with Ross. I smiled then we we walked to the little bridge that lead to the riverboat. There was a guy with a black book in front of it. "Names please" the guy said, he had black hair, dark skin and had a strange resemblance to Shack. Max and Ross pulled out their invite showed the man then we walked onto the bridge , then on the large riverboat. There was music blaring out from the front of the boat. "So which end do we start on " Ross asks Max. "Well everyone is either in the back or inside so...... wanna go inside ?" Max says, "Sure" Abby says excitedly, I just nod.

As we were walking on the port side of the ship the captain yelled something that was blocked by the ship horn going off, then the ship started to move. Stumbling a little, I quickly held the railing of the ship. Ross was also holding on to the ship with one hand on the rail and the other around Abby's waist holding her close, Max was stumbling around suprisenly keeping his balance. When the boat became still enough to walk again I let go of the rail and took my phone and took a picture of Ross and Abby. "I ship it" Max said while Abby escaped Ross's grasp blushing 50 Shades of red. Ross on the other hand was a as red nice shade of scarlet. I laughed a little bit then we all walked inside

I'll Write Again Someday A Mizthan Fanfiction (Discontinued )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora