Chapter 19

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Renee's POV
Night of the party

When I got home from work that today I immediately took out my green dress and realized that they have given me one size too small. Growling in frustration, I laid the dress on my bed then opened my dark wood wardrobe that was in my white and cream colored walk in closet. There was only 4 dresses in the wardrobe, a pink summer dress, a yellow sparkly dress, a black dress that only goes to my mid thighs, and a blue dress that is way too short for my liking. Once again I huffed again and called Abby and did something that I never thought I would do.... ask her for a makeover.

Less than 10 minutes later I herd a knock on my door. I answered it and Abby came walking in dragging me by my ear to my room. With all the confusion I herd Abby say "Max , Ross, you two sit on the couch". When we got to my room she sat me to took out one off those pedal stool that brides stand on when they show their dress in the shop. She literally stripped me of my uniform till I was in my bra and panties. Before I could cover myself up she slipped a long black sparkly dress that made me glad that my undergarments were black. She then dragged me to to my bathroom where she quickly put some makeup on me, slightly curled my hair, putting a silver diamond necklace, earrings, bracelet,  and ring on me and then put some black heels on my feet. Only giving me 6 seconds to breathe she told the guys to close their eyes then brought me to the middle of my living room where she set me in the middle of my red rug and patted down my dress. She then told the guys to open their eyes and for a when Max saw me a tint of red brushed his cheeks.

 She then told the guys to open their eyes and for a when Max saw me a tint of red brushed his cheeks

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"My work here is done " Abby says while fixing my dress. The guy sitting next to Max with brown hair and glasses started to clap and was soon joined by Max.

"By the way the brunette one is Ross " , Abby  says a little too excited,  then Ross waved at me. I slightly waved back and then I asked "Why are they here, no offense" Abby responded saying that they were escorting us to the riverboat party, I just nodded then quickly walked to my room to get my glasses. "Ok chop chop let's go, it's getting dark " Abby said impatiently.  Ross nodded then Abby and him walked out the door to the car.  I then grabbed my keys and walked out the door with Max in front of me. I locked my door then we walked to Abby's car, Max opened the back door for me and I kindly went in. When I got in he closed the door and got into the driver seat with Ross in the front and Abby sitting next to me. I quickly put my keys in my bra then we pulled off with Max driving us to the riverboat.

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