Chapter 7

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(Renee POV)

At first it wasn't easy to let go, but after awhile it got easier. Since we stoped talking, my grades have gone up but me being anti-social I got a little depressed. I graduated from high school and went/finished college for prgraming and computer arts and design. My life was fine till something unexpected happened.

While I was looking through my mail I found a something amazing. My aunt had sent me the ownership to her house down in Louisiana. I quickly called my mom and told her that I was moving to Louisiana,  of course she was upset that I was leaving,  but happy at the same time.


I was currently moving my boxes from my car (a four door Jeep). The house was fully furnished and was paid for. Out back was a dock with my families boat outside. We called it the African Butterfly because one we were young and two we had just watched th movie the African Queen (that was the name of the boat). Although it was beautiful diwn here, it brought back so many memories of happiness, pain, and him. Even if I didn't realized that this I were I will see him again.

(A/N: A African butterfly is a fish btw, and I hope you liked the changes,. Remember requests/suggestions are always welcome so don't be shy.

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