EXTRA: Harry and Sophie one shot - part I

Start from the beginning

“Sophie! You finally picked up – I’m not surprised you didn’t answer my calls actually but,” I cut him off.

“Styles – what is it. I am actually working right now!”

I could hear Liam in the background; “get the address you dumbass!”

“Oh yeah – were are you right now anyway?” Harry asked seriously.

I was not sure they were gonna be able to find the place, but I was only half through the class, so they just had to wait nicely outside till I had finished.

“Okay guys – let’s take it one more time from the top, you can follow my lead – and I’ll show you all of it with the ending afterwards, okay? So try to see if you can see how I use the different levels yeah?”

I turned the music back on, “One – two – three and four!” As it was pretty much a routine dance for me, I kept a look at my students and once in a while reminded them of specific parts that were coming up or details they maybe forgot.

As we had danced the stuff they had learned so far, I had practically forgotten about the phone call. “Okay guys – now I’m gonna show you the whole dance so you can see what you have learned and what it will look like with the rest of the moves!” I spun around to face my group of students – I had the mirror at my back and the music started again. As I usually I got completely lost in the series of movements and the beat of the music, just letting it float through my body. Without having to correct someone constantly it felt almost meditating to devote your self completely to the dance.



“Yup it’s here. Miss Angela’s dance studio!” After parking the car, we hurried in through the entrance. We reached a pretty boring meeting’ish room with some old couches with burning marks and a coffee automat in the corner. There was a blackboard with different posters showing of different dancing classes and stuff like that.

Music was playing loudly from… somewhere. It was the same music that had been playing quietly in the background of my call with Sophie – surely it must be her class from which the music was now floating loudly.

“Maybe we should wait for someone to…” Liam started but I headed for a door in the other end of the room following the music. I could hear the guys following me, as I continued down a dark hall with lots of doors leading into different bare dancing rooms. Most of the doors were opened, as to show a possible thief, that there was absolutely nothing of value. We passed a room, were a couple were dancing ballet without music, but I did not stop up to study it closer as I reached the last door.

It was half closed and I quietly pushed it open, as the song was still floating from the speakers. In the room a group of young people all wearing pretty street clothes and with a tough look on their faces were settled at the floor and in the big windowsill. It was the biggest room so far, I noticed, as I quietly entered the room further and followed the amazed gazes of the young people.

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