Angry or upset, I didn't want to do homework and my stomach felt as if it were in knots. Oh, I was so dramatic.

Troiann had her lunch and went and sat with a couple of football players and eyed me for all of a second before shrugging and smiling at Brandon Karter. Brandon was big and buff and the total package when it came to looks. He wasn't a Balla but he definitely could put them to the test because he was known for pulling girls too. Still, I wondered how Marcus would react to seeing Troiann move on so soon.

I didn't worry about Marcus. I was too hurt to think about his feelings. Troiann was always the more social one and the one people gravitated to. She was more worldly than I was and seemingly the only person besides DeAndre willing to put up with my beliefs and aspirations. Next to DeAndre, Troiann was the only one with the patience to see things my way and still try to set me straight. It seemed like Tremaine was becoming like that, but with the way he was looking at Troy, I wondered if we were through too.

I had dropped the ball with my best friend.

A chair was being pulled out from underneath the table and I looked over to find DeAndre taking a seat across from me. He looked bored and held the most grace as he took a seat and sat back.

He set a pack of Reese's on the table and slid it my way as some sort of peace offering.

I couldn't help but smile seeing how he was always picking on me about my sweet tooth.

"Thank you," I mumbled as I slid the candy into my purse.

"What's wrong, Cree?" He even sounded immensely uninterested.

I shook my head. "Nothing."

"Nothing?" He cocked a brow. "Nothing involves you sitting over here and Troy over there?" He nodded in Troiann's direction. She really was hitting it off with Brandon who seemed to be enjoying her company as well.

Across the cafeteria in our usual corner sat the Ballas' table and Marcus had his gaze locked on Troiann. If looks could kill, Brandon would be annihilated.

"We had a fight," I confessed.

DeAndre nodded. "That's what most friends end up doing at some point."

"She says you guys aren't really our friends. She threw it in my face about your blackmailing her into making me go out to After Hours."

"I told you all that."

"Yes, because you're really trying to be my friend."

"Your best friend," he corrected.

I didn't want to smile when I was upset with Troiann, but dang it, if DeAndre didn't have impeccable timing. "Stop it; I wanna be mad right now."

"What for?"

"I'm fighting with Troiann."

DeAndre rolled his eyes. "Friday is the big day and I'ma need you to be mentality focused. Cut the shit, Cree."

He kept pushing for me to focus on the talent show and my dance routine. He insisted on writing the final version of our paper and would be turning it in during eighth period to Mr. Donatelli. He wanted me to relax and to prepare for Friday, as if it were the most important thing in the world.

"Why do you care so much?" I dared to ask.

He shrugged. "I'm being a best friend, Cree. Besides, it's practice, next winter I expect the same treatment when it comes to basketball if I'm ever stressed."

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