say the name

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Jimin walks into the house looking around and seeing a lot of people drinking and dancing. He scans the room again and sees if Haeyo or Yoongi is there so he won't be so lonely. He walks over where the food stand is at and starts eating the food. He actually came here for free food.

"Fat ass".

Jimin turns around and sees Yoongi standing there. He finishes eating the cupcake and grabs one for Yoongi. Yoongi knocks it out of his hand.

"I don't want to eat, I want to do something fun here".

"Well, Haeyo said he was going to bring strippers".

"How can he get strippers when he can't even get laid?".

Jimin shrugs and starts looking around the party and sees if Haeyo is there or any of his group of friends.

"Here Jimin have this", Yoongi said handing him a beer.

"What the fuck, I'm not drinking this", Jimin said giving it back to Yoongi."You drink this stuff?".

"This is my first, I thought maybe to have you drink one too so we can have our first together dumbass".

"Oh, I'm still not drinking it".

Jimin looks away and takes out his phone texting someone. Yoongi grabs orange juice and pour it into a small cup,he also adds the alcohol into the cup of juice.

"Here have this if you dont want drink the beer", Yoongi said handing it to him.

Jimin grabs it and starts drinking it, while drinking it Yoongi drank the beer as well.

"This orange juice taste so weird and gross", Jimin said with a sour face and coughing a little.

"Maybe you should start drinking it to get used to the taste".

Jimin nods and drank the 'orange juice' again with a disgusted face. Yoongi was struggling with the burn of the beer, but he wanted this party to be amazing.

Jimin started getting dizzy and asking more for that 'orange juice', Yoongi give him some more and as well getting drunk.

A few minutes later both of them were wasted.

"Jimin! I brought the strippers!", Haeyo said tapping on Jimin's shoulder.

"Those are boys, stop playing where are the strippers?", Jimin said trying to stand up.

"They didn't have any girl strippers available and they only had gay strippers available".

"I hope you get laid".

"Whatever and keep drinking your orange juice".

"Its good juice, have some", Jimin said handing the cup to Haeyo.

"Jimin, this is beer?",Haeyo said giving it back.

"No its orange juice dumbass!".

"If you say so, where's Yoongi?".

"He went to the bathroom to take a poop", Jimin said giggling saying the word 'poop'.

Haeyo looks at him with a stupid look and just walks away from him to talk to the strippers. Jimin stands there waiting for Yoongi to come back. Yoongi comes back still kinda drunk, but not as wasted as Jimin.

"This party is boring", Yoongi said sighing.

"It is".

"Well I see you actually came to the party Jimin", Namjoon said walking up to him.

"I forgot about you".

"Whatever, remember you said you wanted to fight".

Jimin punched Namjoon in the jaw, Namjoon touched his jaw and punched Jimin in the nose. As Jimin was about to hit again, Yoongi jumped in and started choking Namjoon.

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