part 32

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Brian's pov

While Bridget was out with some friends, Elizabeth and I are going shopping for the house. Well my house.  We decided to redo it. Well I decided to redo it. i just hope Bridget likes what im going to do to it. Ive been thinking about it for awhile now and i want Bridget and Elizabeth to live back in my house with me. Yeah we still live in separate houses but im getting tired of it. So i hope that when i show her this she'll love it and that she'll want to move back in with me. Me redoing the house is going to take forever. So when im done i really hope She likes it and that she'll wanna move in with me. Well Back in with me. For the living room i was thinking about doing black red and white, For our bedroom Turquoise and white, For Elizabeth's room Purple, Kitchen is going to be all white, The dining room is going to be black and red, our bathroom is also going to be Turquoise and Elizabeth's bathroom pink. Ill figure out the other rooms later. These are the important ones right now. "So you want white, pink,purple and turquoise paint right?" the man asked me. "Yep" i replied.  he placed the paint in the cart and i then looked for some accessories which was going to take forever. i grabbed all the things i would need for the Living room, kitchen, Bedrooms, Bathrooms, and The dining room. After that which nearly took an hour i now had to go to the furniture store to buy  the couches and all that junk. Bridgets lucky i love her so much cause i would not be doing all this for her if i didnt it.

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