part 3

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Bridget's pov

"ok mrs falters your having a girl! i looked over at brian who was looking at me smiling. "we're going to have a daughter. i told him "yea, we are. he said as he kissed my lips. "would you like to have a picture? "yes." i told the doctor. he wiped the gel off my stomach and told me he would be right back. i got up from where i was laying and waited for him to come back. brian came up to me and hugged me, "i love you bridge" "i love you too brian. i told him, just then the doctor came in, he gave us our picture then we left.

Bridget's pov

we pulled up in our drive way and got out of the car. when we got in the house i layed down on the couch. brian came to sit beside me so i put my feet on his lap. "When do you want to start making the baby room? brian asked me. "umm, how about this week so we can go ahead and get everything out of the way." "yeah he said looking over at me. "do you want to go out tonight? "yea i told him smiling as i sat up from where i was. i got off the couch and went upstairs to get changed. i did my hair and makeup first. i curled my hair and pinned it to the side. then i applied some more makeup. i walked to the closet and pulled out some shorts and a half shirt. i put it on then walked downstairs. i saw brian waiting on the couch "not changing? i asked him "no, he said as he got up. i opened the front door and walked outside. we got in the car and brian drove us to wherever he was taking us. "where are we going? i asked him curiously "im not telling you. he said smiling. "ugh i said and just sat back and waited till we arrived to wherever he was taking us.

authors pov

ill update soon!

Bridget's pov

we arrived at a park. "well we're here." brian said looking at me "i see," i said as i got out of the car. brian took my hand and walked us to a blanket that was laying on the ground with a picnic basket in the middle of it. "you had this all planned? i said smiling at brian. "i have my ways," he said kissing me on the cheek. i sat down and he sat down next to me. we ate our lunch and was done 10minutes later.  "have you though about any names. yet?" i asked brian. "actually yeah, i have." he said smiling at me. "what about Elizabeth falters?" "that's cute but what about the mid-  he cut me off by saying "don't ask me nothing about a middle name." i smiled at him. "ok.. well how about Elizabeth Star Falters? "yeah i like that" he told me. "im choosing the nursery colors!" i said happily. "im cool with that, but im choosing the furniture. he said smiling "ok and im decorating as well." i told him "deal." he said as he gave me his hand to shake. i shook his hand then laughed. "ready to go home" he asked me smiling. "yeah." i said as i got up and walked to the car. we got in and he started driving us back home.

Bridget's pov

we arrived home 30minutes later and i was upstairs laying down on the computer. "what are you up to?" brian asked me a he came out of the bathroom. "nothing on the computer looking at baby furniture." i told him "i don't know why, im choosing it he said smiling as he layed next to me. "ugh, i know" i said giving him a worried look. "Babe don't worry i got this." he said laughing. i just shook my head, turned the computer off and went to sleep.

Brian's pov

*the next day

i got dressed and told Bridget i was going to go pick out the baby furniture and that she couldn't come. i decided to call my mom when i got in the car cause i had no idea what i was doing. "hey mom, want to come help me pick out the furniture for the baby cause i have no clue what im doing". she just laughed and said she'll be ready in 5minutes. i drove to her house and blew the horn. she came out and walked to the car. "hey brian". she said as she got in the car. "hey i told her as i started driving to Toys R Us. "have you guys decided a name yet? she asked out of the blue. "yeah, Elizabeth Star Falters". i told her. "That's beautiful". she said looking at me smiling. "i know, thanks." i told her. we arrived at Toys R Us 25minutes later. we got out of the car and walked into the store. we were going to pick out the crib first. i decided to call Bridget because i didn't know what color she was choosing and i needed to know if she was choosing a light or dark color. "hey Bridget, im at the store getting the furniture, is the color you're choosing a light color or a dark color? "its going to be a light color. she told me "ok, ill see you soon i love you, bye" i told her as i hung up. "ok ma, its going to be a light color so a white crib right?" i asked my mom. "yeah," she said i looked around the store and saw this white wooden crib. "i want that one, you think Bridget would like it?" i asked my mom as i pointed to the crib. "yes" she said nodding her head and smiling at the same time. we got the matching dresser to go with it too. then we payed for it and they told us it would arrive at the house in 2 days. we left the store and i dropped my mom off back at her house 25minutes later and thanked her for coming. then i was on my way back home.

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