Chapter 1

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Her frail skinny legs moved up and down as she pelted her bike down the street. It may have not been as nice as the other kids bikes but it was her bike. Something she could call her own. Something she wouldn't have to hide or worry about it missing the next day. So what it had a little rust on the sides. The shinny pink and black paint that once covered the bike now chipped and rusted. It didn't matter because it was her bike. The black Converses that she once was excited about wearing had one hole in each side of them. That didn't faze her because whenever it rained she just put plastic grocery bags on her feet and would be on her way. Those were her only pair of shoes and a little hole wouldn't stop her from wearing them. Sporting pink shorts and a green shirt with a yellow flower on it riding her bike down the street that hot summer day. She wouldn't ride to far, down the sidewalk and back is the farthest she would dare go. She couldn't stand being in the house with her mother and father at times like this. She hated seeing her mother beg her father to stay only for her to wake up with a black eye or a bruised lip. She often would zone out at times like this if she couldn't make it outside. Her father never laid a hand on her. Only stern eyes ad a loud voice that would scare anyone he didn't know. She would often swe her brother riding down the street in a car that was full of his friends and smoke. She hated him for leaving her. She hated her father because she felt was the one that drove her brother away. She hated her mother because she didn't understand why she would stay with her father even after the way he treated them. She had so much hatred in her heart at only 14 years-old she was mad at the world, she was mat at any and everything.


"Trinity you bet not still be in that bathroom girl," her father yelled from the other side of the door. She hated how loud he could be so early in the monrning. She hated even more how he would crack open a freshly new beer bottle at only six in the morning. Rushing out of the bathroom she was greeted by her father's larger figure blocking the door way. "Morning," he greeted, "morning pa." She replied back before looking into his eyes. Barely able to keep his eyes open he still manage to stare right back into Trinity'S making sure to keep that stern look. He looked over what she was wearing before moving around her going into the bathroom. Trinity was a little unsure if she should walk away or wait to see if her father had something else to say. "The reason I woke you up so early is because I'm dropping you off at your grandmothers," was the only thing he said. She quickly walked to her room to gathered anything she felt would keep her busy while visiting her boring grandma. She loved her grandmother of course she did, but she often got tired of being over there all day while her grandmother did nothing but watch television and cook. On her way to her room she passed her mothe and fathers room and spotted her mother putting on make-up clearly trying to hide the fact that she received on of her father's late night beating. Poking her head into the room she spoke, "morning ma," turning slowly to her daughter Alayah spoke, "Morning baby." She took a seat on the edge of their bed and stared at her mother. Wondering how can such a beautiful woman end up looking so tired and losing so much weight so fast. Trinity then took a seat beside her moher and watched closely as her mother caked her face with make-up. "You ready to go?" She asked her daughter. With a simple shrug she looked away from the mirror and down at her lap. "It gets kind of boring at grandma's house. Maybe I can go with you? I'll stay out of your way and everything ma. You won't even know I'm there," Trinity tried to reason with her mother. Alayah was a store manager at a small grocery store. She wanted nothing more than her daughter to come along with her while she worked but she knew her husband. Wolf would never go for anything like that. He didn't want them to spend time together for that long. He was afraid they would gain the courage to leave him one day. "Now you know your father wouldn't allow that. Come on lady bug go get your things so your father can drop you off". Hearing her mother tell her no because of her father made her upset. Alayah always did what Wolf told her so it wouldn't result in another beating. She loved her husband of course she did, however she loved her husband sober not falling down drunk. Not daring to stomp off because she knew how good her father hearing is she walked back to her room. This was going to be a long day at grandma's house, Trinity thought.

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