"New day, A new way" Chapter 1

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Nicole's Pov:

     "NICOLE WAKE UP!" My brothers screams on the top of there lungs as one of them jump on my bed like a madman. Jason might be eighteen, but on the inside he's a five year-old. And Blake I know that Jason pulled him into this. Eventually, he crushes me as he lands right on top and knocks both of us on the floor with a 'thump'.

     "Jason.....Blake you little wankers!" I say angrily; most likely steam was coming out of my ears, by now. I was ready to tackle them but, they were already out of the room.  I chased both boys down the stairs, around the dinning room and out the front door with a huff. Glad, I'm a runner or I would of fainted at this point.

 I sped after Blake and jumped when I got close enough. As he fell Jason was pulled down too......so he broke our fall. He screamed like a little girl, when his body hit the floor. 

 I jumped into Blake and punched Jason left and right and maybe I hit him were the sun doesn't shine (hint, hint). He groaned in pain. He pretty much deserved it for jumping on me when I'm sleeping!  Then kicked Blake there too. Gosh these boys groan too much if you ask me.......lol

When I was about to stand up, the sprinklers turned on. I started to run away from my brothers lazy ass on the ground, but then I was pulled back down right into the mud. Mud was all over me, even in my hair. 

Now i'm dead serious. My head snapped the way my brothers smirking faces and I slide my way to them, fully. Grabbed both face at the same time and pushed them into the mud puddle. I was chuckling at how retarded both looked, by now, we were in a full out war.

Then from behind me I hear giggling. My parents and other siblings were at the front door trying to contain there laughter but fail miserable. Holding each other while pointing a camera in our direction. I pout like a baby while my brothers  laugh and pointing at me. I shoved Jason's face into the mud again.

 I get up and make my way to front door by now my parents finally cooled down from laughter but my little sisters are still laughing there butts off. "Love, you three are not going into the house like that. Go into the backyard and clean the mud off. Then go take a nice hot shower and get ready for school." mother stated with a smirk playing on her lips.

With a loud sigh I started walking to the backyard.

     ~~~~~~~~~~~30 minutes later~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Finally I got the mud out of my hair and my body is clean. Hair is pin straight, with natural make up. Just need a pair of shorts and a shirt sleeve shirt. Then I'm already to go. First day of school I'm so excited, not!!!

      "Lets see, lets try on um........." I take my white shorts with a blue shirt that has ruffles and some fancy sandals," I said to myself in an unsure voice. I walked to the mirror and I saw what I was wearing. Not to much but not to little, just perfect.

I hopped down the stairs, grabbed my bag and kissed the twins, mum and dad on the cheek.......... After that I headed to the car but on my way I Stole Blake's toast smacked Jason and Blake in the back of there heads. As the door closed behind me, the sound of them whining left a smirk playing on my lips.

Today is going to be a fun day.

what do you think? what should happen?





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