"My Hot Savor's Or Devil's?" Chapter 5

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                Nicole's pov:

Darkness, is all I can see. All the sudden a white light in the far distance sped towards me. I run as fast as my tinny legs can go, trying to get away from that thing but I suddenly fall over and the white light swallows me whole.

The next thing I knew I was gaining consciousness. 

I swiftly open my eye lids. As I analyze my surroundings. I then realize this bedroom had not belonged to me. It was an un-familiar  room.

As I tore the bed sheet off my body, and attempt to remove myself from the bed. My eyes landed on my now rapped leg.

Then, In a flash everything from the past day consumed my brain. Before all memory disappeared from my rescind memory.


I wake up with something licking my face. Every time it does it, I feel sparks.

I slowly stir moving my arms and legs around, the thing stops licking my face.Maybe its Justin, trying to be all funny and cute.

A smirk falls on my lips. I slowly open my eyes and in front of me is a.......................................   ................................................................................................" A wolf!"

I scream on the top of my lungs. Scaring the wolf and it starting backing away frrom me. I move backwards Away from it. 

"Ge ge-et A-away fr-om mm-me!" I screamed terrified. I felt as if I was about to pee in my pants. I never bin this scared in my life.

The wolf barked at me, It looked like it was trying to get me to think its a nice thing. But I couldn't I was too scared...................OUT OF MY MIND!!!!!!!!

My mind was telling me to stay calm but I was listening to my body. I did one more loud scream and ran.

As fast as I can get away from that thing. It was an un-trained animal! how the hell wasn't I supposed to be scared! 

As I ran I could tell the wolf was chasing after me. I could hear the crunching of leaves from behind.

I looked back and the wolf was thirty feet away from me, as I ran, I tripped over a tree trunk. I tried getting back up but my legs hurt. I also felt very dizzy.

I leaned up next to a tree. Before the darkness took over my vision. I saw four teenage boys. I think the ones from school, today. They were all staring at me but I could only look at one right upfront of me because the others were really blurry.  

He had red beady eyes and blood dripping down his mouth, and also down his chin. Other then that, the wolf was also there with pleading eyes. But before darkness can consume me. The last word I said was "wolf." 

Then white dots came into my vision and then my surroundings was slowly fading till everything went black.

 ************************(End FlashBack)*********************

As my mind was freaking out, five pair of foot steps were heard near by.

My body was in shock, I couldn't move the tinniest muscle, not even a bit.

Then all the sudden, the door slam's open. One by one four people, boys to be particular, strolled in.

Then one caught my eye.

The boy in the forest with red beady eyes and bloody clothing. him.

My heart rate increased, second by second. My mind was racing into a million thoughts. The pam of my hands became sweaty.

I pushed my body to the opposite side of the room where things were't at. I backed away till my body was squished up against the wall. I tried my best to shrivel into the corner of the room. As far away as possible from them.

Then the boy with blond hair approached me. He squatted down and attempted to touch my face but before he could I slapped his hand away.

I screamed on the top of my lungs.

The boys flinched in pain. I scurried to another corner, but this time my breathing was heavy, mind flustered with thoughts, and my body was rapidly shaking.

I couldn't hear one word being processed. Only thoughts.

                  Harry's Pov:

As are little mate was sitting in the corner shaking. Liam started exclaiming that she was having a panic attack. 

My eye's and now ears are wide open, from when are little mate screamed from fright. on the top of her lungs.

My ears were still ringing. That girl is sure one heck of a screamer. If u know what I mean. I was pulled out of my thoughts when one of the lads started talking.

"lads, she thinks were monsters," Louis stated sadly, looking like he's about to cry. We all must of looked devastated as well. Nobody wants to hear from there mate that he or she is a monster.

Liam slowly tiptoed over to are mate and pulled her into his lap. She didn't know what was happening. It was like she was in a mind of her own.

Liam put his hands up to her head and closed his eyes, using his magic to fix are mates emotions. If she is having a Major problem then u'd have to be touching that area.

After a few minutes, are little mate stopped crying and then suddenly went limb in Liam's arms.

Louis came right up to them,picked her up and carried her to the bed. We followed after Louis to the bed and sat around the bed or on it.

Gosh how are we going to explain this to her?

What do u think?Any ideas?





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