While the teacher lectured on, she continued to absently doodle on the page, pretending as if she actually cared about quantum entanglement, when she felt that all too familiar flip in her stomach, like a switch was flicked on inside her.

Ally pulled her gaze from the teacher down to her hand, and she felt something else that was familiar to her as well; an involuntary jolt zinging through her left arm, causing her hand to twitch uncontrollably. She watched deathly frozen as her hand move of its own accord, the pencil led flowing across the paper.

Allison saw a flash of something jump across her vision as she drew a pentagram, then she drew something new. She drew a boy she'd never seen before, his features dripped in shadow, pitch darkness surrounding him in the background. She drew his tortured face next. He looked sad, tormented by something so awful.

What did this mean? She'd never really drawn something like this before, only pentagrams and dark sorcery-related things. Plus, she was feeling a sense of impending dread greater than she'd ever felt before in her whole life. This was a new one for her, and it freaked her out beyond imagining.

But something snapped her out of her stupor, roughly dragging her back down to Earth. It was the angry professor, glaring at her from the front of the room.

"Miss Marks," he repeated, probably for the thousandth time. "I sure hope you're taking notes because you're so interested about quantum physics and not doodling..."

Ally heard someone's suppressed snicker from across the room and met the amused eyes of Chase McAllister for a moment—how comforting that he found it so funny—before turning her attention back to the teacher, whom she resented almost as much as her father. Ingrates, she cursed internally to herself.

She cleared her throat, feigning a look of interest. "No, of course not... I'm so interested in it that I can hardly contain myself." She said as innocently as she could, a little bit of thinly layered sarcasm in her voice.

The professors' bushy gray brows furrowed at her, returning her sarcasm with a sad excuse-of-a-comeback of his own. It said he definitely didn't believe she showed any interest whatsoever. "I'm so glad you show such an interest. Make sure you're paying close attention and not doodling."

This time, Ally begrudgingly listened, slowly and half hazardly folding the note away, discreetly stowing it back into her pocket once everyone's attention was averted back to Professor Wiggins' boring lecture.

Once class was over, Ally was one of the first ones up, quickly gathering up her things and practically sprinting towards the door. Before she could escape, someone else more annoying reached it first. She stumbled to a stop, narrowly avoid running into him—on instinct, rather; she would've preferred to plow right through him without so much as an apology. Ally internally groaned at the person standing in her way.

Chase just gave her one of his sly, smug-like smirks, leisurely putting his hand on the door handle. "Doodling during class as always, Allison." He said by way of introduction to a conversation. She was not going to be having any sort of conversation with him. "What kind of satanic drawings and visions are we conjuring up today? Is someone going to get killed again?" He leered loudly, knowing everyone around them could hear. The whole school suspected she was a witch who put curses on people, so everyone steered clear of her as a result—but she wasn't. Plus, she absolutely hated the nickname everyone called her in hushed whispers and gossips. But no one was ever going to stick around long enough to hear an explanation. That was the main reason why she hated everyone.

Mr. Thick-Head was blocking everyone's exit, but no one said or did anything to make him move; they new as much as he did they couldn't make him do anything, and none of them was smart or tough enough to even think of trying. Chase McAllister was one of the boys most feared in the school; no one went near him unless they wanted to be burnt to a wispy crisp.

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