"Warped Tour. That  one interview with you, Ash, and Jinxx and those two girls."

"Oh that one!"

"Yeah. And when they're playing 'What's in CC's shoe', Jinxx said, 'I would say used condom but no body uses condoms on the bus'. It made me laugh because he looked straight at you. That was the day after we found out I was pregnant."

"Whoaaa. You just now figured it out?"

"Well yeah."

He chuckled and said, "You're silly."

I shrugged and smiled. "I guess."

Then a mover came out and said, "Everything is in the truck. We shall follow you guys to the house."

CC nodded and thanked him, took my hand, and we walked to the car. He put Carolyn in her carseat and I waited in the passenger seat. He got in, started the car, and drove off, the moving truck following behind us.

We listened to Smashing Pumpkins the way there and Carolyn watched her movie in the back seat.

Then we got to the house, CC told the guys to leave the furniture in the (huge) garage for now and to put Carolyn's stuff in her room upstairs since her stuff is still new, they did so and drove off, and then our friends came and got the other furniture out  we sold them.

We put Carolyn's clothes into her dresser and closet, set up her toys and other stuff then put the kitchen stuff in the kitchen, then we decided we'd go to IKEA now and get what we can for tonight. We drove out there, and after a couple hours of getting a new bed, mattress, a new couch, table, chairs, a desk, and a dresser, we were lucky CC had a friend who lived close by with a trailer big enough to hold it all.

We drove home with him following, and they went in and put things together and I went out to Bed, Bath, & Beyond with Carolyn to find bedding for our bed. And then off to Lowes to get paint, and other stuff to add to our house as CC instructed me.

It was way too much shopping in a day. My feet were tired,  I was exhausted, and Carolyn took a nap during the trip to Lowes.

I got home about six and everything was set up. The house looked amazing. The thing that was missing was the paint, so we're getting onto that tomorrow.

CC walked downstairs with his friend, they hugged, CC thanked him, and he left.

He turned to me and said, "Did you bring everything in yet?"

I shook my head. "Much more in the car. I came in to put Carolyn in here."

"Okay. I'll get it. You go look around." He left the house and I picked up Carolyn again and walked upstairs, stopping at the empty room. I told CC we could use this for when we have another kid, so it's empty for now, holding boxes of our clothes, shoes, and so on. I walked straight across to Carolyn's bedroom, which was the same size as the empty room. It looked awesome with how things were set, since there was more space.

Then we hit the master bedroom. It was huge. Our bed was right under the window, we had a nice view of our front yard, a tree, and the street, our bathroom was once again attached, this time it was one sink, a huge shower with a bathtub right next to it, pretty tile floors, granite sink, it was beautiful.

The rooms are all a dark brown fuzzy, soft, carpet, and down the halls and steps, it's wood flooring. The house was beautiful, and I'm so glad CC chose this place. I couldn't wait to start painting.

As I went downstairs, I found there is another bathoom, a [coat] closet, and the backyard was a good size. This place is perfect. Absolutely perfect for us.

Married to a Rockstar. Sequel to Girlfriend of a Rockstar.Where stories live. Discover now