"Personality Check"

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Name: Nicole Angel Bell { some people call her Angel}

Age: 18 years old

Eye color: Ocean blue

Hair: Staight and sometimes wavy

School: last year of high school [Senior]

Twin: Jason is my twin and in the same grade.{ he's older my 4 minutes}

sports: soccer, swimming, cheer and boxing[ when i go to the gym]

Best Friends: Sophia stevens, Noah Riley, Faith Willow

Boyfriend: Justin Matthew williams

Height: 5' 3


*Mum {Elizabeth}}

*Dad { Joesph}

*Jason {brother}.......................... eighteen years old

*Blake{brother}.......................................fifteen years old

*Brittney and Stephanie[ twin sisters].........................six years old

Nicole's picture on the side

"Heyyy, I'm Nicole but everybody calls me Angel. People started when I was in fifth grade, because I saved an old woman's life. From then on they called me Angel, well most. Anyways that's life. So now I'm eighteen and I have followers, I know creepy right. Boys in my school think I'm so called fucking sexy. The girls look up to me and some think I'm a bitch cause they think I'm a snobby. Well they shouldn't be talking. The girls that call me that ,are those cake faces. Just look at them fake boobs, huge butt and least amount of clothing and there calling me a Bitch! I'm a so called 'popular'. Thats the tittle I get. Also I have a group. The group are the popular people, which are my best friends and good friends. I have three best friends Sophia, Noah and Faith. Don't get me started on friends, the list would be huge. Good friends are like the football {soccer team}, and cheer team. I got to go Summer is almost over and I have school in a few days. I need to go shopping!" Peace out.

A/N Hello readers! Give me ideas of what should happen or ideas you have. Today was the day I started the story [december 7, 2013]. So i'll write a new part tomorrow. Love you guys dont forget to like and comment or follow. Remember to give Ideas!

Should I change the name?





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