Sandra Grayson || Bird House

Start from the beginning

“Th-that’s impossible,” Dreya whispered.

“What’s impossible?” Blake asked, stepping into the room.

Dreya glanced at the giant beast and shook her head, thinking she was just tired from the drive, “N-nothing. I can’t believe you rented this place. The décor is hideous. If I had family to depend on, I’d probably fire you.”

She made her way to the window and looked out to see a small robin perched on the window sill. She watched it turn its head to one side before jumping closer to the window. Despite her distaste for birds, Dreya smiled.

Blake didn’t take her threat seriously. Dreya had been orphaned at the age of three and as an elusive A-list actress; she didn’t have any close friends. He was the closest thing to a family she had.

“I know you want to get back to acting. The therapist said it would take time. Think of this as a much-needed vacation that the accident is forcing you to take.”

“Vacation? People have fun on vacation. Why do I feel like some kind of monstrosity in hiding? Reporters keep trying to take my picture like I’m a circus freak. I should just let them. Then at least I wouldn’t have to hide anymore.”

Blake sighed, “We discussed this, remember? If fans saw you now, that’s all they’ll think about in the future. They’ll constantly pick apart your photos online and in the gossip rags. They’ll care more about your face than your acting. You don’t want to be the next Meg Ryan or Renee Zellweger, do you?”

“What am I supposed to do if I can’t act anymore?” Dreya whispered. “I’ll be all alone. No more fans.”

“Don’t think like that. You’ll act again after the surgery,” Blake said. “Your fans won’t forget you.”

She smiled before turning back to the window to see the robin still watching her. Suddenly a large crow swooped down attacking the smaller bird. Dreya gasped in horror as she watched the crow peck out the robin’s eyes. The crow turned its head towards her and pecked at the glass, leaving small splatters of blood behind.

Bile rose from her throat and she turned away to see Blake rushing towards the window. The crow was still staring at them. He banged on the window and the crow waited a moment before flying away. 

Dreya’s scarf had unadjusted itself around her face. She looked to her left, catching her reflection in a mirror that was hanging on the wall. Her hand slowly felt the rough uneven skin on her cheek. Gone was the beauty she was once admired for. Like the crow they had just seen, she too was a monster.


It was evening by the time Blake had put away Dreya’s clothing and prepared her dinner of chicken soup.  She walked into the kitchen to hear him on his phone.

“This is an exclusive. I told you it’ll cost you more than that if you expect me to—” He saw her approaching and disconnected the call before picking up two white tablets from the counter, “Your pain pills.”

Dreya quickly swallowed the medicine and asked, “Who was that?”

“Nobody. Your chicken soup is almost done. Go ahead and take your shower. I’ll be gone by the time you get out,” Blake said. She nodded before walking upstairs, an uneasy feeling swirling around in her stomach.

After she had showered, she padded into her bedroom wearing only a robe. The house was especially quiet. The moonlight seeping through the windows cast shadows across the room. Since the accident, Dreya hated bright lights. She noticed a leather journal on her bed with a quick note from Blake.

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