"Niall, can I let you in on a secret?" he asked, his face suddenly bursting into a smile. Niall nodded eagerly and sat next to him. 

"I think I'm going to -"

"Ta da!!!!" Liam shouted, as he and Louis burst out of the bathroom door. He lead Louis over to the other boys, and they all oooooh'd and aaaaaah'd over his nice new pajamas. Niall and Zayn leapt up off the bed to let Louis lay down. Niall mouthed to Zayn "tell me later", and Zayn nodded, offering a smile in return.

"So, where's Harry?" Louis questioned, sad at the absence of his best friend. Harry promised he'd be here, didn't he? Niall, Liam and Zayn exchanged a confused look between them.

"We actually don't know," Liam said honestly, "We figured he'd be here..." Louis face turned into an expression of hurt. "But he'll definitely be here later!!" Liam said quickly, noticing Louis' expression. Louis nodded weakly, secretly wishing Harry was there now, not later. He wanted a baby Hazza hug, he wanted Harry to make him feel better. But Harry was a no-show. 

At that moment, the door handle turned. Louis face lit up, but soon changed to an unsatisfied expression as he saw that it wasn’t Harry, but Eleanor standing at the door. He forced a smile to his face. It wasn't Harry, but Eleanor was the next best thing and he loved her. Eleanor smiled awkwardly in return, and made her way to a chair, sitting furthest away from Louis. No kiss, no hug, nothing.

"How are you doing?" Eleanor asked absently. Louis noticed that she was being strange, but chose to ignore it. She was probably just tired.

"m'kay, hurting a lot though," he replied. Eleanor nodded, but still refused to look at him. Liam, Zayn and Niall felt an awkward tension in the room as they sat and watched the usually loved-up couple. Something wasn't right...

"Hey, do you know where Harry is?" Louis asked her, changing the subject. 

"No, why would I know?!" Eleanor shot back at him, surprising everyone in the room. Niall got up, and announced that he was going to get some food, dragging Liam and Zayn with him, and hurriedly left the hospital room. Louis looked at Eleanor, shocked by her outburst. Eleanor wasn’t one to yell, but when she did, everyone felt as though they should stay at least 100 meters away from her. She sighed and hung her head to the floor.

"I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to yell," she said, standing up and moving to a chair right next to Louis' bed. She took his hand and kissed it, before playing with his fingers. "I'm just really tired and stressed..." she continued, "I'm sorry I took it out on you." Louis cupped her face and looked her right in the eyes, his expression softening.

"It's fine, El. I understand," he said. She leant forward and gave him a kiss, apologizing again.

"So, when can you go home?" Eleanor asked after a long silence. Her eyes sparkled as Louis looked at her mischievously.

"Nurse says that if I can walk okay tomorrow, then I can go home... What did you have in mind?" he asked her, licking his lips. It had only been a day, but he missed having his beautiful girlfriend in his arms. 

"Oh, you'll see..." Eleanor said, winking. She got up and gave her boyfriend a kiss, before picking up her bag and walking to the door.

"I'll be back later, okay Lou?" she said, blowing him another kiss.

"See you then babes," Louis responded, 'catching' the kiss in his hand.

"Love you,"

"Love you too."


Anne heard a knock at the door. She sighed and put her spatula down, and headed out of the kitchen to open it. Whoever it was better be important, she didn't want the pancakes to burn...

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