Reid x reader part 4

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(A/n) My Lil angels and demons returned! This is the final part. I hope you're ready; I know I wasn't and I'm the writer 😂😂. Well go on now everything's in place waiting for you.


Reader's P.O.V.

We arrived at Rossi's a few minutes late. He opened the door and looked quite surprised "My fiorire, you are gleaming with beauty". "Thank you Rossi" I hugged him "Please (Y/n) you know you can call me David, you're like a daughter to me" he lead us in.

We walked through the house out to the back. "Look who came" he said and closed the back door behind us. Garcia immediately went over to Morgan. I walked up to Hotch. "You look gorgeous (Y/n)" he said bringing me into a hug.

Reid walked up and looked genuinely surprised at my appearance. "(Y-y/n) you look stunning" He told me reaching for my hand but I pulled back before he could. That is not like Reid; he loathes physical contact.

"Thank you, Reid" now that tipped him off that something was wrong. "(Y/n?)" Spoke softly and tried reach for my hand again but this time I didn't resist. He looked at me like I was a priceless jewel and his pupils dilated: that's one. He had to have physical contact with me: that's two. He moved closer to me and hugged me close. He knows my scent: that's three. He already knows my voice: so that's four. Four of his five senses approve of me apparently.

"So where's this girlfriend I've heard so much about, Doctor?" I asked and grabbed a drink from the table in front of me. "Girlfriend?" He inquired grabbing a drink for himself. He mirrored me. (A/n for those who don't know these are psychological signs of attraction)

"Oh don't be coy," I playfully slapped his arm, "Penny found those messages to her." My heart kinda broke. "Messages?" He questioned looking in my eyes.

"Yeah," JJ walked up to us, "I have to say I didn't know you had it in you to speak that way." I turned to JJ. "Hey sis" I hugged her and I could feel her glare at Spencer. "You look fantastic, lil sis!" JJ exclaimed after we pulled away.

"(Y/n)?" Spencer tried to talk to me but JJ interrupted "oh hey Spence I didn't notice you there" she smiled sweetly. JJ is scary when she's in mama bear mode. "Actually can I talk to (Y/n) in privacy?" He asked and grabbed my hand leading me into Rossi's house.

He walked me into a random bedroom and closed the door. I heard the lock click before he turned to me. Every step he took towards me I took a step back until I felt the back of my knees hit the bed. "Reid?" I breathed out, "what are you doing?"

He lifted his hand and I closed my eyes. I felt him lift my chin up and opened my eyes. "Who is my girlfriend?" He asked me looking into my (e/c) eyes with his hazel ones. "I don't know," I pushed his hand away, "why are you asking me?"

"Because it seems like everyone thinks I suddenly have a girlfriend," he sighed and shook his head, "so I wanna know who I'm dating so I can ask them when I asked them to date me"

What? Does that mean he's still single? "What do you mean aren't you dating someone?" I asked and moved to the side so I don't fall on the bed. "No I'm still single," he followed me, "besides I don't know what messages you were talking about earlier"

"Penny hacked your phone and saw the messages between you and that blonde" I kept walking backwards as he continued to walk towards me. "I lost my phone on the bus a few days ago and I got a new one yesterday with a new number." He confessed and showed me a newer model of the phone he had.

That means this was a misunderstanding. "I think this was a misunderstanding then," I went to walk past him, "sorry I guess I'll go back to the party." I was about to grab the doorknob but a hand flew past my head and slammed on the door.

"Where do you think you are running to, (Y/n)?" I felt his breath right by my ear. "Uh we need to get back to the party" I nervously answered and pulled my hand away from the doorknob. I went to turn and face him but he put his other hand on the door right by head too.

I was trapped between him and the door. I felt him press his front to my back. "I know why everyone has been angry and a little hostile towards me lately," he said in a low tone, "my assumption was correct."

"What assumption?" I gulped he was close, way to close for comfort. "I assumed from your behavior that you had some attraction towards me," he came even closer, "since you're everyone's kid sister and like a daughter to Rossi, everyone would be on your side if I or any man hurt you."

"JJ further proved my point a while ago," he pulled away slightly and wrapped his arm around me while the other reached for the doorknob," and this further proves my point." He pulled us back and unlocked the door and opened it swiftly.

Everyone fell into the room but Hotch and Rossi. "I told them not to lean on it" Rossi took another sip of his drink. "Mhm well I'm taking (Y/n) home" he picked me up bridal style. "Uh wait! WAIT a minute!" Garcia attempted to stop Reid from leaving with me but was held back by Morgan. "Baby girl I don't think you wanna follow them if they're gonna do what I think they're gonna do" Morgan said loudly and I heard Garcia squeal and yell "you better tell me the details tomorrow". I blushed harder as Spencer chuckled.

Tonight's gonna be a long one.
                     The end

(A/n) oh yeah first one shot done BTW there is gonna be another part to this that's gonna be a lemon. Love you all my Lil kitty's.😘😘😚😏🍋🍋

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