Reid x reader part 1

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(A/n) so like I like this one shot but be warned major feels up ahead so I'm sorry if ya cry. This is a song fic so yeah. Here's some tissue, good luck princesses.

Reader's P.O.V.

I know I can't take one more step towards you

Cause all that's waiting is regret

And don't you know I'm not your ghost anymore?

You lost the love

I loved the most

He started acting different. We worked at the same place, same unit, and same team. Why is he so distant?

I didn't want to believe it at first but then he'd come home smelling like her after staying later to "finish paper work". Her lipstick stain on his collarbone.

Will asking me if she was at work when she leaves early. JJ became distant and cold towards me. Acting like she was better than me. She was like an older sister now she's... Like the other mother.

She's taking him from me and I can't do anything about it because its his choice.

I walked out of the bullpen and headed towards the stairs. I stopped when I heard my name.

"Spence we should tell (Y/n) and Will," JJ...panted, "they'll understand."

"I can't," Spencer, I mean Reid, replied out of breath," she still lives with me she has no one else."

Dirty son of mother fucking bastard.

"She'll move on," JJ persuaded, how could she?, "what about what I want Spence?"

"What do you want?" Reid asked and it was soon followed by a moan.

"You." JJ answered and it was followed by lustful sounds.

I quickly and quietly run up the stairs. I ran to Penny's bat cave.

"Penny!" I burst into the room and slammed the door shut.

"What?! What?! What happened, (Y/n)?" She asked startled.

"Camera 2 on level E," (a/n I have no idea if that's right) I said quickly and out of breath.

She quickly pulled it up and there on screen was Reid and JJ fucking. "Oh my god they.... Didn't?" Garcia looked like she was about to cry.

And who do you think you are?

Runnin' round leaving scars

Collecting your jar of hearts

And tearing love apart

You're gonna catch a cold

From the ice inside your soul

So don't come back for me

Who do you think you are?

Garcia saved the footage. "What do you want to do with it?" She stuttered out.

"Stay right here I need em," I ran out of the room to em who was chatting with Morgan.

"Come with me its code teal," I whispered in her ear gaining an odd look from Morgan. Em and I made up a color code system before we joined the BAU. Teal means we're hurt and wanna run away.

"Sorry Morgan I got to go my baby girl needs me," em teased to not draw attention.

I dragged her to the bat cave. "Show her the video," I told Garcia as soon as the door was locked.

"Em don't do anything after you see this," I warned her. She nodded and the video appeared on screen.

"Why that sneaky bitch," Em growled. When it came to me and Em if it was the team against one of us we'd stand together.

"I need that fake identity file," I told her and hugged Garcia, "when I leave to that other location I need you to send that to the team, minus those two, and Will."

"Ok but stay safe, angel eyes." Garcia held me tight then turn back to the computer.

"I'll call you so you can tell her when to send it," I told Em as she handed me the folder out of her bag, "I'll miss you sis."

I quickly left, this time using the elevator. Looks like I'm going to England.

~time skip to after everyone gets a video~

Third person P.O.V.

"Ok now that everyone is here," Garcia started but was cut off.

"Wait where's (Y/n)?" Reid asked oblivious and Garcia glared at him then smiled sweetly.

"That's what we're here for," Garcia practically snarled.

"Why is Will here?" JJ asked Hotch.

"I'm helping this case," Will informed his wife.

"So if you'll turn your attention to the screen you'll see (Y/n) (Y/l/n), she was stabbed in the back 40 times and 20 in the heart," Garcia acted like it was another case.

"Wait that's (Y/n)!" Reid shot up from his chair.

"Yeah and?" Morgan questioned and looked at Reid like he was stupid.

I hear you're asking all around

If I am anywhere to be found

"This is some sick joke, right?" Reid seemed genuinely panicked and worried.

Hotch and Will locked the doors to the conference room entrance/exit. Rossi's closed the blinds and Morgan dimmed the lights.

"You see that's (Y/n) dead, because of this-" Garcia turned on the video cutting off Rossi.

"Oh Spence harder~ faster~ ahhhhhhhhhh" JJ looked mortified as Reid was paralyzed.

"See you guys caused that!" Morgan slammed his hands on the table as Garcia turned off the video and Rossi turned the lights back on.

"You took an innocent person ,who trusted and loved you, heart and destroyed it to where she was weak enough to get caught and killed," Morgan showed no mercy to the people he used to trust.

"I hope you're happy not only did you kill her heart you took her from us," Garcia walked pasted them ready to cry.

Emily just watched and when everyone left. "Our transfers should have remained a "mistake" then I would still have a girl who was like a sister to me, next to me right now."

JJ and Reid couldn't even look at each other.

And who do you think you are?

Runnin round leaving scars

Collecting your jar of hearts

And tearing love apart

You're gonna catch a cold

From the ice inside your soul

So don't come back for me

Who do you think you are?


(A/n) I seriously want to cry rn. I hope you guy like I'll be putting up part two tomorrow. I love you my kittens and I'll post soon byyyyyyyyyeeeee.

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