Reid x reader part 2

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(A/n) yes the one that may have left you in tears is about to be finished so I hope you're ready. Here's tissues ya know just in case. Oh and this is another song fic.Well good luck bye kitty.

Reader's P.O.V.

I've been transferred from England to France due to some complications. Oh well it gave me an excuse to use what I learned in French. As for the team, I haven't heard from them since I left three months ago.

I miss them. I miss Penny's banter and crazy clothes, Morgan's hugs and advice, Em's sisterly love and understanding, Rossi's protectiveness and care, and Hotch's rare smile and how he'd help me.

Right as I was thinking that while waiting for my coffee at this cute little café my phone rang. "Bonjour, (Y/n) parlant, qui est-ce?" I asked in French and grabbed my coffee.

"Vous parlez encore français, lil sis?" Emily's voice rang into my ear.

"Em! Hey!" I exclaimed and started walking to my temporary apartment.

"Hey you," she sounded quiet compared to her surroundings, "so how's things over there?"

"Good I'm in the country of love so pretty sweet," I started up the stairs to get to my room, "how is it back there?"

"Well the team kinda turned against Reid and JJ," she started and it got quieter, she probably stepped outside, "even Garcia is mad at them."

"Hey Em," a voice I hated said.

"I got to go," Em said but the phone call continued.

"Who was that?" JJ asked Em as the call continued.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Em sounded angry, I sat down on the couch after locking the door, "Can you move out of the way?"

"No please," JJ started, "I'm sorry I caused this and that she's gone but please if you don't forgive me at least forgive Spenc- I mean Reid."

"You both took her from us," Em growled, "you both are not going to be forgiven."

"I-I- I'm sorry!" JJ cried and I heard running from the other end.

Trying to apologize

You're so ugly when you cry

Please, just cut it out

"Sorry about that, sis," Em's voice came back to my hearing.

"It's no problem, Em, you guys are really giving them a hard time." I noticed and got up heading to the bedroom.

"Yeah well because of them had to leave," Em sounded sad, "they made my sister leave."

"I'm still here for you Em," I told her softly.

"I know but-" Em started but was interrupted.

"Emily have you seen JJ?" Another voice I now hate asked.

"No, Reid, I haven't," Em snapped at him.

"Emily......" Reid started, "I'm sorry I took her from you."

Don't tell me you're sorry 'cause you're not

Baby when I know you're only sorry you got caught

But you put on quite a show

Really had me going

"Just go Reid," Emily barked, "goodbye Agent."

I listened as his footsteps disappeared. "Ya know," I started absentmindedly, "I loved him."

"I know and what he did is not right," Em argued, "he- no they deserve what they're getting."

"What happened to Will and Henry?" I asked worried about them.

"Will took Henry when he divorced her," Em explained, "I have to go we're delivering a profile."

"Good luck sis, love you." I told her before the line cut.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. Should I go back? Penny and Em are the only ones that know I'm alive. But I think the others might know too. Except those two.

But now it's time to go

Curtain's finally closing

I guess I should. I can't run forever and I miss them. I got up and started packing the few things I now own. Ya know I still never officially moved out of his place. I wonder if he still has all my stuff there.

That was quite a show

Very entertaining

But it's over now

(but it's over now)

Go on and take a bow

I finished getting everything and put them in duffle and smaller bags. I quickly grabbed both passports and information and ran out the door.

Grab your clothes

and get gone

(get gone)

You better hurry up

I got to the airport and got a ticket from France to Virginia. They are really freaking pricey. Then again I didn't plan in advance.

(Time skip brought to you by toothless dressed as stitch and stitch dressed as toothless)

(A/n too cute😍😍😍😊😆)

I arrived back in Virginia after a long trip. I stood outside the airport and dialed a number I missed too much.

"Queen of all things tech speak and be heard." Garcia answered the phone.

"Well your highness," I started and line went silent,"I have a request."

" god," she sounded like she was about to cry,"(Y/n)?"

"The one and only," I smirked at the Harley Quinn reference, "miss me?"

"Oh puddin'," she joked along, "how could I not?"

"Well guess who's back and outside an airport in Virginia?"

"Oh my god! I'll go pick you up right now!"

"Thank you," I giggled, "goddess of all things tech." Before she hung up I pipped up "Don't tell anyone I'm here."

"I won't dear," I heard a little noise, "and I've got your location so see you soon."

"See ya~" I said in a sing song voice and the line went dead.

Oh, and the award for
The best lie goes to you (goes to you)
For making me believe (that you)
That you could be faithful to me
Let's hear your speech, oh

How about a round of applause

A standing ovation

But you put on quite a show

Really had me going

Now it's time to go

Curtain's finally closing

That was quite a show

Very entertaining

But it's over now

(but it's over now)

Go on and take a bow

But it's over now
(A/n) I hope you like this part and sorry its late some things came up. I will make a part 3 to finish this series off. I love ya kitties byeeeeeee.

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