Hotch x reader

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(A/n) hey hey kitty's back for more? This one's gonna be a Lil different cause I got inspiration from a song. So I hope you're ready for, well, what's coming to ya. Love ya now get along the story's waiting.

Reader's P.O.V.

We had just finished a case in Cali and had to stay for a couple more days because the jet having some issues. I had wanted to visit the beach because I've never been on a beach for entertainment or enjoyment; if I went to the beach it was usually and most likely because of a case like this one.

I sighed and straighted my tank top and high waisted shorts and walked out of my hotel room. I looked around as I left the hotel. We were lucky to get one right next to the beach; it had this breathtaking view of the beach and endless ocean.

I breathed out in contentment when the cool sand touched my bare feet. I shivered when a breeze of cold air washed over me and danced through my hair before leaving me cold. I heard a chuckle and quickly turned around to see Morgan.

"Don't scare me like that!" I laughed and slapped his arm. "Sorry lil Juliet," he laughed, "you just looked a little out of it." We had talked a little longer before two people walked up to us.

"Hey baby girl," Morgan hugged Garcia, "what are you guys doing out here?" "I wanted fresh air and couldn't find you so Hotch volunteered" Penelope explained to Derek while pointing to a sort of stone faced Hotch. Hotch grinned a little "More like dragged me out because you're scared of the dark."

Morgan chuckled and wrapped an arm around Garcia's shoulders. "Well I'll take her back then" he offered and started walking back to the hotel. Hotch and I just stood in this awkward silence. I shivered again from the cold air. "Do you want my coat?" Hotch asked and started taking off his sweater. (A/n hint hint. Bet ya still can't guess it tho)

"Hotch you don't ha-" he cut me off "I want to plus you look like you're cold". He wrapped his coat around my bare shoulders. "Thank you, Hotch." I whispered when he hugged me. "Aaron" he stated and I looked up at him confused. "You can call me Aaron." He explained with a small grin.

I blushed and looked down again. "Thank you, Aaron" I mumbled. He soon let go and pulled back from the hug. I felt a little colder and emptier when he let go. Right when I was gonna walk past him, he asked "want to walk with me down the beach?"

I nodded and stood next to him. We started walking in a peaceful silence and the sound of the ocean kissing the shore. I saw a shell up ahead. It was around the size of my hand and a beautiful tan color with pink going inside the shell. I ran and picked it up and checked if anything lived inside. Nothing.

I put it up to my ear and heard the sound of the sea

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I put it up to my ear and heard the sound of the sea. "What are you doing?" Aaron asked when he walked up to me. "I'm hearing the sound of the sea" I explained and he looked at me curious.

"A conch shell let's you hear the sound of its home and the heart of sea pulse" I further explained. I held it up to his ear and watched his expression change from curious and confused to fascination and admiration.

"It sounds beautiful...." He said then mumbled something I couldn't hear. I shrugged it off and pulled back the shell. "I want to take it but its so pretty that it'd be a waste to just have it lay around with me." I pouted looking at the details nature carved into the gorgeous shell.

"Keep it," Aaron spoke up, "it'll be safe with you." I nodded and continued looking at the shell as we walked. I didn't notice how close we were until my hand bumped his. I quickly pulled back and apologized. He just grinned and said it was fine. That happened a few more times till I looked at him suspiciously.

He just gave me one of his rare smiles. After a couple more feet he just grabbed my hand and held it. I stiffened and looked at him but he was just looking ahead. "We better start walking back to the hotel" he said and turned us around. "Awwwweee why" I whined and let him drag me.

"Because its too cold for you here and now" he stated and as he dragged us back it started sprinkling. Not a minute later it started pouring and we ran back to the hotel laughing.

We got back to the hotel and ran in and straight to the elevator. We panted as we waited for the elevator to ding us to our floor. I started to breathlessly laugh. We caught our breath and I finally stopped laughing.

Suddenly the elevator stopped and put on the emergency lights. "Looks the power got knocked out" I pouted. Everything went silent minus the very quiet beeping of the emergency backup. I looked up and saw Aaron already looking at me. We just stared each other in the eye.

We started leaning into each other and the moment his left hand touched my waist I felt goosebumps all over my body. He gave an earth shattering kiss.

"I love you" he mumbled into the kiss. "I love you too" I whispered back. Maybe the beach could have some good memories for me after all.

(A/n) oh yeahhhhhhhhh I'm done I'm done. *does weird dance* bam bam bam I'm donnnnnnee. Well I hope that image is burned in your mind and that you liked this part. Ah well byeeees gattini.

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