Chapter 16- Strategist= Not Kurai

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Ok my wonderful readers, it has been a while because my WIFI keeps stuffing up and all that kind of crap. This chapter is going to be longer and better than any other chapter that I have wrote. I'm so proud about this large amount of improvement that I have done from my first chapter to this Chapter that your about to read and please don't forget to Vote and Comment anything that you like in this story and also tell me what you think about it, is it bad? is it good? you can't really choose? you like some parts? you dislike some parts?. this is just me trying to see how many people actually enjoy my work or hobby thingy, Just take the moment later on to comment what you think of the story, the characters, the plot or anything else that you would like to add. I really want to interact with my readers and I also love comments... and votes... and followers... and Nutella^_^



"Ok, We will now start the prelims!, (cough, cough) anyone who is not fighting please go to the upper level!" Ayate(?) announced and everyone except for me and my opponent. "So you think you're strong?" Go asked cockily while smirking.

"No, I think I'm going to lose unfortunately" I said with sarcasm flawing through my voice while I took a fighting stance, so did Go. "Ok, when your ready (cough!)" Ayate said then he jumped out of our way. "Go Aiko, don't lose to that idiot!" Rix cheered me on as Go decided to start.

"Bring it on boy!" I exclaim while waving him over. "you little-" Go shoots a punch my way but I just narrowly dodged it and strike him in the gut with a powerful chakra infused knee. "ugh!" Blood spilled from Go's mouth while he held his stomach in pain.

"Proctor, I don't think he'll survive if you don't stop the fight!" I shout out while Go shakily got up with one eye scrunched and his teeth greeted in pain but he looked really determined to win. "W-what did you do to me?" Go squeezed the words out in pain.

"Please Go, don't do this to yourself, I don't want to end up killing you" I said while walking up to him. "Please Go... don't do this, just stop" I begged as I stopped in front of him though he did not give up, he was just standing there, his hand on the spot where I kneed him.

He suddenly grabs a kunai in his pouch then chucks a sloppy throw my way but it was way too slow. "What is this? huh?... Is it supposed to be a kunai chucked to kill me or what?!... I'm disappointed." I yelled cruelly while I chucked the kunai back, aiming for his right leg, the kunai lands on it's target with beast accuracy.

"Go!!" Go's team cries out in worry while leaning forwards on the rails. "ugh... why am I losing so badly!" Go shouts out in anger. "It's because I'm in a whole different level than you Go, so please don't do this to yourself" I said while my bangs shown a shadow on my face.

"Proctor, please end this match, Go can not fight anymore, he needs some medical attention before he dies" I say calmly while walking off the fighting area and walking up the steps to the upper level next to Rix.

"The winner is Aiko Tsuyoshi! due to (cough, cough) Go Yuri not being able to continue!" Ayate informs. "What was that all about?, only two strikes and the guy couldn't fight anymore, better watch out for those guys" I heard some guy whisper to his team then I smirked.

"Good, I put up a good name for our team, now it's your turn my purple knight" I said as I smacked Rix across the head and he fell all the way to the bottom where the battle area is. "Don't lose or I'll smack you across the head again!" I shout to him and everyone sweat-dropped while Rix rubs the side of his head in pain, muttering about how violent I am. "what?, I'm just making sure he doesn't lose" I said to the other contestants while I shrugged my shoulders.

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