"Okay." I answer. 

"We want to ask you some private questions, so we're going to ask your visitors to step out. Is that okay?" they ask. 

"That's fine, I guess. Duff can stay." I tell them. 

"I think it would be best if they both left for a little while." The other doctor answers. 

"Okay then." I respond. 

I watch Duff and Axl get up. Before he walks out the door, Duff kisses me on the lips. 

"I love you." he says.

"I love you, too." my voice croaks out.

I watch the door slam behind them, and I focus my attention back to the doctors. 

"Ms. Fisher. Do you remember what happened a few days ago?" they ask. 

I nod my head, and a sharp pain radiates down the back of it. I wince.

"Yes. I was in a car accident. Head on." I answer. 

"Yes, you were. And in that accident you sustained a pretty serious head injury. We had to medically induce a coma." he says.

"How long was I out?" i ask.

"Just two days. You recovered remarkably well." Dr. Reed responds. 

"You've also sustained some road burn to your arm and a good size laceration to the leg. We had to put in about 15 stitches." he says, and then he pauses.

"Ms. Fisher, you'll heal from your injuries just fine. We don't expect you to have any complications, but there is something we found in your blood work." Dr. Smith says. 

"Were you aware that you are pregnant?" he asks, and even though I'm in a hospital bed, the floor feels like it's dropped from beneath me. 

"What?" I question. 

"You're pregnant, Ms. Fisher. We've estimated you to be about 4 or 5 months along, give or take." he says again. "The baby was uninjured in the crash. You're very lucky."

"Four or five months?" I question, looking down at my stomach. There was no way. 

"That's impossible. I can't be. I'm not even fat. I didn't gain any weight. I never got sick." 

"Ms. Fisher, we repeated the test three times and it came back positive all three times. You're pregnant. Congratulations." he says. 

Oh fuck. What was Duff going to say? We weren't ready to start a family!

Then, it hits me. 

"What's today?" I ask them quickly.

"December 2, 1987." The doctor answers. 

My mind quickly calculates the date. Four or five months from today would put me somewhere between....

July and August. 

"Fuck." I mutter, covering my head with my arm. 

This was bad. This was worse then just being pregnant. 

You see, through most of July, I was with Axl. And naturally, we rarely ever used protection.

And then after Axl, there was Duff. And Duff and I never bothered to use protection either. 

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck." I curse, and the doctors are staring at me.

"Can we help you with something Ms. Fisher?" they ask. 

"No. Thank you." I say quickly.

They look between each other and then back to me. "We're hoping to be able to get you out of here tonight" 

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