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The restaurant Duff takes us to is beautiful and ridiculously fancy.

It has views of the water as well as the Golden Gate bridge, and I notice someone's Ferrari is parked out front of the valet service.

Wow. A fucking ferrari. If only I made enough money to have one of them.

We walk inside and Duff approaches the hostess desk. "Reservation for McKagan." he says.

The redhead flips through a book and marks something on the page. "Right this way Mr. & Mrs. McKagan." she says.

"Oh we're not married." I correct her, and her eyes flick to Duff.

"My apologies miss...." she stops.

"Fisher. Ana Fisher." I tell her.

Suddenly, her eyes light up. "Oh my god, No way!" she says, with an incredulous look on her face.

"Anastasia Fisher?! Thee Anastasia Fisher?" she gasps.

"Yeah, that's me." I smile.

"I absolutely love your work! I've been working on a few small modeling projects and you are my inspiration!" she gushes.

"Oh well, thank you." I tell her, trying not to blush.

"I haven't seen any of your work in quite awhile, but just a few days ago, when I was at my boyfriend's place, I saw you in that new Aerosmith music video on MTV! Will you be shooting here in San Francisco? My agency would love to have you!" she says.

I chuckle.

"I haven't modeled in quite a long time. I just recently filmed a couple of music videos, but that's been it so far." I smile, and I feel Duff pinch my arm.

This is just as weird for me as it is for him.

"My agency would love to have you, even if you didn't want to do a shoot! Maybe just come in and talk to some of the girls! That would be a dream come true!" she says excitedly.

"I'm only in town for the night, and then I'm heading home. Maybe I can arrange something with the agency a different day on my break from touring with my boyfriend's band." I tell her, gesturing towards Duff.

"Of course!" she says quickly, scrambling for a pen. "I'll give you the number."

I watch as the girl scrambles to write down the number on the paper. She hands it to me with shaky hands, and I offer her a smile.

"Thank you, uh--" I have to stop myself because I realize that she didn't tell me her name, and if she did, I didn't remember what it was.

"Kate. Kate Moss." she says, offering me her hand. I shake it, and she smiles.

"I'll take you to your table." she says, and Duff and I follow her.

When we get to the table, she places the menus down in front of us.

"This is the best seat in the house. It was really nice meeting you, Ms. Fisher." she smiles and walks away.

I'm speechless at the view ahead of me.

The giant glass wall before us sits right on the beach, and it feels as if we are sitting on the water. The waves lap at the shoreline, and in the background is the beautiful Golden Gate Bridge.

"God, Duff. This is gorgeous." I tell him.

He takes a sip of the wine they had pre-poured for us. "They say it's the best view in San Francisco. I guess they weren't kidding." he shrugs his shoulders.

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