Start from the beginning

Duke stands. He seems calmer now than he did in the morning. Isabella could feel his anger before, when he lashed out at Angelo. Vincent's pain stabbed her. She recoiled from his words. Now, when he speaks, his voice touches her like a soft, warm cloth.

"My dear friends, I feel that I may have been a little rash earlier. A luncheon with Mr. Escalus can do a lot to quell one's anger. He is a rational force, and spoke well in your defence, Angelo. You are fortunate to have such a wise ally and friend."

Angelo raises his head for a moment, but only until Vincent resumes. "However, I feel that Mr. Lord's actions remain unforgivable. From an ethical standpoint, his behavior with Ms. Measures amounts to nothing short of sexual harassment and gross misconduct. It is abhorrent and without excuse, and for that alone Angelo Lord remains guilty. Alpha Incorporated cannot and will not have an employee, at any level, demonstrate such an inappropriate and abusive act. As of this moment, Mr. Lord no longer represents nor is employed by Alpha Incorporated."

Angelo sits motionless, his head lowered. Murmurs wisp through the room.

Vincent Duke continues. "If it were up to me, I would see him brought to trial on charges of sexual misconduct, towards Ms. Measures, and sexual assault and battery, toward Ms. Frederick. I have seen the video evidence, and the horrific and abusive nature of Mr. Lord. I wish the laws of this land were such that a monster like this would be locked away for good. But they are not. I can only administer the justice which is within my power, yet I don't imagine that the court of public opinion will be as merciful."

Isabella is listening, but has a hard time focusing on the words. She has to play it back in her head before what he is saying sinks in. She can't help but think about Angelo, and how he allowed this to happen to him. Then it hits her where Vincent is going with this.

"So, in order for Alpha to demonstrate our culture of a safe, respectful and progressive workplace, and to administer justice to the full measure of my capacity, we will publicly disclose Mr. Lord's actions. Before the end of the day we shall prepare a news release explaining Mr. Lord's termination and provide video proof to the media."

Mariana turns to Isabella, her face pale with shock. The implications of Duke's sentencing have hit her, as they have Isabella. A sex tape scandal will not only implicate Angelo. What about the woman in the video? Who will that be? She can see herself in Mariana now, sees the woman dressed in her clothes, wearing her hair exactly like she does. Their similarities in appearance will expose them both. But it goes deeper than that: is this the woman that she might one day become? Perhaps not an entrepreneur like Mariana, but morally. On one hand, the shark, ruthless and cunning; on the other hand, a person in need of something else, one who would return to her abuser, one whose own value and self-worth might be measured by her ability to satisfy her partner's needs. The opposites are so close: revenge and forgiveness, blame and acceptance, hate and love. It is like the greater one is as a human, the greater one's flaws. Yet is it a flaw to love?

"Isabella," Mariana whispers, "sweet Isabel, hold my hand. Stand with me." Mariana is choking on her words. "You know, they say that the best men are moulded out of faults, and for the most part, become much better for being a little bad. So it is with Angelo—my husband."

Mariana takes Isabella's hand and stands before Vincent. Isabella, unsure what to do, hesitates. She is not about to grovel before any man, but Mariana is clearly upset. Out of respect for Mariana, Isabella joins and approaches Vincent Duke.

As she steps forward, the memory of the chapel at Our Lady of Grace comes pouring into her. The small chapel was her sanctuary, that year in high school, her refuge from the confusing world of the Eleventh Grade. She feels the peace and presence of that room again, where she would sit, watching the patterns that the flicker of candles make on the smooth skin of statue, the plaster folds of her robe, the glaze her cheek. Of the mother, holding the child, looking down on her. The love in her eyes. Her body, it seems, is bathed in a warmth of light, or it might be water. Isabella remembers the bath in the beach house, the last bath she had. She feels the water on her skin, feels the tingle of hot liquid on her flesh. She is floating, between past and present and future, between fear and comfort, between triumph and pity. Between heaven and earth.

She knows what she is to do. She looks at the broken Angelo and knows that she will be strong. Mariana is next to her, her breathing choked by sobs. She is starting to lose her composure, and that, Isabella knows, is good. She is human.

Isabella, standing with Mariana, holding her hand, addresses Vincent. "Mr. Duke, if you will hear me out. My brother Claude was punished for something he actually did. Angelo was only doing his job. Regardless of whether Claude was engaged to Juliet or not, he did act inappropriately while at work, and he did, in fact, commit the acts for which he was accused. But Angelo, even though his intent was to rape me, as horrific as that is, he did not actually follow through with that which he intended. Thoughts are not the authority of our laws, and intents are only thoughts."

Mariana echoes, "Yes, merely thoughts."

Vincent steps back and paces, left to right. "Are you pleading that I forgive this creature, only because he was tricked out of committing rape? What about the fact that he lied to you, telling you first that he would hire back Claude, while he had already gone ahead and publicized his firing? The fact is, Claude has lost his job over this, in spite of your attempts to prevent that. Think about what you are offering him Isabella. Don't forget, this man beats women. While the laws may exonerate someone who behaves like this, the laws only consider the rights of the accused, not those of the victim. But I am in a position here where I can administer justice, and I certainly don't have it in my heart to forgive him."

"I believe that some may rise by sin. This man has confessed, and, I don't know why, but I have faith that he has it in him to repent. Please, Mr. Duke, be better than him. Show him the mercy that he withheld from my brother."

Vincent approaches the two women and speaks softly. "Isabella, I can't believe this. You are truly an incredible woman, willing to forgive him his trespasses. Yet I cannot fully pardon this man, I can't even stand the sight of him. I cannot have him serve in my company. Mariana, if you wish to exercise your right and power and take this man under your authority—he is, after all your lawfully wedded husband— perhaps he can serve his sentence working beneath you, on your new project."

Mariana might be smiling, slightly.

Duke returns to the stage and speaks to the room: "Ms. Frederick's latest venture has just received a massive injection of capital, thanks to Angelo Lord's recent contribution, so the time is right to put into place Mariana's model of corporate gender equality. She and her team are building a new company with a new vision, one that encourages and reflects the type of society that they themselves, and their children, would want to live in. I can't think of a more worthwhile project."

He turns to Angelo. "So, on behalf of Alpha Incorporated, I would like to offer Mr. Lord's services to your new company, Mariana. Use him however you see fit. If he is truly repentant, as Ms. Measures thinks, then he might learn something from working under a team of women executives in a company that is based on a more equitable model of leadership. I know it will soon attract the brightest and most talented minds, so Angelo, it would be wise to humble yourself and accept whatever position you are offered."

Angelo gives a quick nod to Vincent, and returns his gaze to the floor.

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