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There is music playing from inside the woman's apartment. Isabella glances at Fryer before he knocks, giving him a look that asks, are you sure you know what you are doing? He looks back at her and his smile isn't really reassuring, but it warms her to know that they are in this together. It is more of a, "Oh well, here goes nothing kind of look." Isabella returns his smile with a tentative grimace and Fryer lifts his fist to the condo door, and knocks.

During the drive to Mariana's apartment, Isabella had a chance to get to know Fryer a bit better. While he didn't reveal much about himself—in fact she still doesn't even know his first name—Mr. Fryer did hint that he has a personal interest in seeing their plot through to its eventual outcome. He certainly is an intelligent and caring man, with an enthusiastic sense of justice. That was Isabella's first impression of him as she listened to Fryer explain how the act would likely play out. Cunning, indeed, she thought, but, when she allowed herself to be honest, there was more to him than smarts. His eyes, for one. There is a sensitivity, an honesty that radiates in those blue eyes. Truthfulness, perhaps, yet he is the one directing the deception that is about to occur.

But the eyes are just the start. It hit her, as she was next to him in his brand new Tesla, that she is in the presence of the most beautiful man she has ever seen. Charming, certainly; handsome, oh, definitely; sexy, undeniably; gentle, respectful, caring, absolutely; a Human Resources Officer, unlikely. There is something more to the mysterious Mr. Fryer, and that is part of the attraction. Yes, she admitted to herself thirty minutes ago as they pulled off the Interstate, there is definitely something attractive about the man.

And now as they stand together, knocking on the door of Mariana Frederick, unified by a secret, co-conspirators in a nefarious plot, Isabella feels more than an attraction to this man, she feels a deep connection. And she likes that feeling.

The song is still blaring on the other side of the door, the dance beat pounding against the hinges. Take those lips away, the female vocalist belts, but my kisses bring again, seals of love, seals in vain." There is no way that the woman inside will hear them knocking, so Fryer tries the door knob. It opens as the rush of music spills onto them.

The foyer of the condo unit opens onto a large room: white, sleek, chairs and walls that are splashed with the colour of abstract art. To the right, under a tent of hanging lights is a large kitchen island, and in the middle is a woman, her head bopping to the music, long dark hair flipping over her face, then back again. She dances with a chef's knife in her hands. This must be Mariana.

She sees the couple standing before in her apartment, and, not appearing alarmed at all, points a remote at the wall and the music ceases.

"Sorry guys, I didn't hear you come in." The woman puts down the knife, circles the island and approaches Fryer and Isabella. She is slim, dressed casually in jeans and a pale yellow blouse, and walks to greet them with a strut that exudes confidence and sophistication. Together, Isabella decides is the word, she has got it together.

"Dinner is just about ready. It is great to see you again, William." She turns her cheek so he can give her a polite kiss. "And you must be Isabella. My, you are a pretty thing," which seems unusual to Isabella, as she is looking upon the an incredibly beautiful woman, the type of woman Isabella could only dream of becoming. Mariana's complexion appears to be somewhat Mediterranean, and with her long black- brown hair, she seems slightly darker than Isabella. In spite of the fact that she is older, likely in her mid-thirties, they are similar in size and stature. So, this plan might actually work, she thinks.

The plan, as was outlined to Isabella by Fryer, is incredibly far-fetched. When he explained it to her earlier in his office, and in more detail on the drive here tonight, Isabella couldn't help but think that it came out of some silly rom-com, or one of those Shakespeare plays where the heroine is disguised as a boy the whole play, to reveal herself in the end as the King's daughter or something. But there is something a little more sinister in this tale. Mariana, Isabella can tell, is a smart woman; she will determine if this plot has any hope of succeeding.

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