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Isabella has had some time to think. So much has happened today, so much to get her head around. Thankfully, the intermission gave her a chance to sort out a few things. She found it hard to stay focussed on what Mariana was talking about at lunch. It sounded interesting, what she is planning with her new company, and if this were any other time, Isabella would have been excitedly contributing her ideas and enthusiasm. But not today. Her mind was not on their conversation, and she barely touched her food

Vincent Duke. William Fryer. Just unbelievable. She had fallen for a man who was not who he said he was, and that which he is, well, that makes this whole thing even crazier. She told him that she forgave his dishonesty, and while she didn't really have much of a chance to think that through, she feels that Vincent deserved that. Besides, who is she to judge? Given the complexity of the whole story—corporate intrigue, boardroom politics, revenge, blackmail—his disguise might be the least serious offence.

On the drive back to Alpha, Isabella was lost in thought. She still has a few questions for Vincent Duke, that is certain, as does Mariana, but mainly, Isabella has found some comfort, some peace, brought on by the realization of two things. First, and this point was made by Lucy as they left the restaurant: these are not your problems. No matter what happens this afternoon, you'll be Isabella, still. While all these other jokers scramble to save the assets of their companies and their careers, you'll head back to Rochester with a great story.

And she also knows that she has done nothing wrong. The deception was not hers, the temptation, the malice, the abuse, the harassment were not because of her. Throughout all of this and amidst the treachery and deceit, Isabella has remained pure. She will not let herself be brought to their level. She will remain blameless.

And it is on this cloud of perfection that she slides into the boardroom and fixes her eyes on her abuser, Angelo Lord. He has no power now. The way he sits there, a man broken. The body language says it all: head down, back arched forward, lines scratched across his brow, like claw marks. Pitiful, really. She stares at him, her gaze locked. She wants him to look up, to face her, to admit. There is a slight stir when Angelo hears the three women enter the room. He does look up. First, his eyes touch Mariana, then, as if in shame, he averts his eyes, glances over Lucy, and comes to meet the gaze of Isabella.

She wishes she could read his mind. She wants to know what goes on inside the head and heart of a man who would hurt a woman, who would hurt anyone. How can someone choose to inflict pain, and get enjoyment from that? Is it a sickness, or an evil? And how can others condone that, consent to receiving pain? She admits that she knows nothing about this. Maybe it is like Mariana said, how things are not that simple, never just black or white. Isabella does not understand these things. Besides, who is she to judge?

The proceedings appear to be coming to order. Charles Escalus is shuffling some papers and looks ready to begin. Mariana approaches Duke and speaks softly, so only he and Isabella can hear. "Vincent, is this a joke? You arranged that we are legally married. This was not what we talked about and now, I presume you are about to take away his livelihood?"

Vincent Duke gives a quick glance to Isabella, then whispers,"It is your husband who mocks you, signing that he will financially support you. As if, Mariana; you are so far above this despicable creature here. You are, and will continue to be, an incredibly successful entrepreneur. Plus, by the terms of the settlement he just signed, fifty percent of his assets, as of today, are yours. Think of this as an injection of cash for the start-up we were talking about. I know you will use it wisely."

Escalus calls the meeting to order, using a formal motion. Everyone seems to buy into the decorum. Sitting at the front table, facing the few rows of chairs, he speaks."Mr. Duke, would you please pronounce your decision regarding the allegations against Mr. Lord?"

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