
"Are you ready to go then?" he asks me. 

"Yupp, let's go." I answer, and we start walking towards the back exit. 

Our security team goes first, pushing the doors open for us. The car we have waiting for us is as close to the building as possible, but the paparazzi still knows we're here. I can barely see as they snap photos of me clinging to a shirtless Duff. 

I jump inside of the car and Duff follows behind. He shuts the door and lets out a breath of air.

"Fuck, they never give up." he says. 

It's a short drive back to our hotel room, which is ocean front. I turn the key in the lock and go inside. I'm surprised when Duff doesn't say anything else to me. He just walks straight into the bathroom, where I hear the shower turn on. 

Weird, weird, weird. 

Okay. Two can play this game. 

I grab a clean change of clothes and head next door to Slash's room. I know he's in there, probably playing with the snake he bought last week. 

I knock hard on the door, and sure enough, he answers. 

"Hey." I say, pushing my way in.

"What are you doing?" Slash asks. 

"I need a shower and Duff's being a dick, so I figured you wouldn't care if I came over and used yours." I tell him.

"Okay then." He stutters as I walk towards the bathroom, and I'm confused. 

Why was everyone acting so fucking weird?



When I get out of the shower, I expect Ana to be sitting there waiting for me, but she isn't. 

In fact, she's no where to be seen. 

I wrap the towel around my lower half and step out onto the balcony, thinking maybe she made her way to the beach. 

Nope. Not there either. 

I step out of our room and into the hallway, banging first on Axl's door. 

"Is Ana in here?" I ask.

"Nope." he answers

Slash's room is the next one down, so I knock hard on the door. He opens the door and before I can even open my mouth, he's speaking.

"Hey, man. Ana's in the shower. She said you were being a dick. What the fuck is wrong, dude?" Slash asks. 

"I'm so nervous." I answer quickly, walking over to the bathroom door that holds my girlfriend behind it. 

"Ana?" I question as I knock. 

"Yeah?" her sweet voice responds, radiating off the walls.

"I wanna take you out somewhere. You wanna go?" I ask. 


"Not really, Duff. You've been acting kind of weird lately." she says. 

Oh baby, if only you knew. 

"I can explain, babe. Please just come with me." I try. 

Silence, once more. 

The bathroom door swings open to reveal her in nothing but a towel, with her voluptuous assets spilling over the top. 

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