At least her's felt like a home.

"Hmmm," she hummed, stroking her imaginary beard as she thought. "We could go to the park and bird watch like couples do." She smiled as Louis rolled his eyes, glancing at his phone that was blowing up with text messages from recent dates he had been on.

"Why cant they just leave me alone." Louis grumbled, shoving his face underneath a pillow because he didn't want to talk to them. All they talked about was sports and how they wanted to have more 'fun'.

"Maybe because they enjoyed you two fucking." Catherine giggled, returning to painting since she was almost done. She knew of Louis' wild nights because he would always run to her to talk about them.

"We didn't just fuck." Louis gushed, removing the pillow from his face before tucking a wayward strand of hair behind his ear. "We talked." He added which earned him an eye roll.

"Yeah, about how great his dick felt in your arse." She hummed, making his face beat red. She bit at her full lips in concentration as she continued, leaving Louis in silence.

He used the silence to meditate since that was what he had been into for the past year. He closed his eyes and thought about how he was feeling because even if its been a year, his feelings were still all over the place.

He wanted to miss Harry. He really did. But now all he could feel was...well nothing.

When the part of his soul was taken from him, it took the ability to love which meant that not only would Harry be effected but his friends as well.

He couldn't feel the attachment he had towards Niall and Zayn. That must be why it didn't bother him when the three of them stopped talking and went their different ways.

"Don't fall asleep on me now." Her sweet voice purred as she glanced towards the bed to see him resting on his back with his hands resting on his chest.

"I'm just thinking." He murmured, looking up towards the ceiling as he continued to disregard the repetitive vibration of his phone alerting him.

It wasn't even like he slept with numerous guys to the point where it was scandalous. He just needed a little pleasure here and there since he made a vow, not only to himself but Catherine as well, that he would stay single.

It couldn't be that hard.

Only that at night when he cried, he was on his own. No one to call when he needed bandages. No one to cuddle next to or wake up in the middle of the night for some ridiculous reason.

Not being with Harry took a toll on him. But he still didn't have the emotions needed to desperately want to be with him. And he was fine with that.

Because he was dependent on Harry. And that's not good. Even for a 26 year old.

"Shit," Catherine mumbled as she smudged a bit of paint onto the wrong area, using her magic to easy wipe the mistake away. "Go out and do something, Lou. I'm gonna be here for a while." She hummed, noticing how he was rubbing at his shoulder with a dreary expression on his face.

"Can't you just use your magic to finish it?" He asked, noticing how she was far from finished. He would have easily just left but who would he be going home to? The only thing he could do was take a stroll down the park and- no.

He couldn't go back there again.

"Where's the fun in that?" She smirked, waving goodbye to him as he stood up from the bed, tottering to the door with a sigh because he didn't want to go home.

He never liked to go home after spending time with Catherine because what was he to do?

He didn't have Niall or Zayn anymore. The bar was a no-go.
And Harry...

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