2. Genji x Reader - Surprise

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It was just an ordinary day at the Overwatch headquarters for everyone besides you. Something about that cyborg was different, he didn't seem like his usual self. He has only really been talking to Zenyatta lately. You decided to go visit Mercy in the medical ward so you could discuss about Genji.

"Hey Mercy! Nice to see you today." You greeted Mercy happily.

"Hello there Y/N, very nice to see you too." Mercy said while turning around to face you.

"I was just wondering about Genji.. have you spoke to him at all? I feel like he isn't really being himself lately and it's getting me worried." You rubbed the back of your neck kind of looking away.

"Ahh Genji.. yes I have seen him lately." She paused with a frown.

Instantly it felt like your heart dropped, Mercy is usually a very happy person but right now something has probably happened to Genji which she knows of. You just hope Genji is okay and nothing bad will happen to him. Mercy started to speak up again.

"I feel like it's best for you to speak to him Y/N, I will just say he would LOVE to see you" Mercy said with now a smile on her face. 'Why did she say "love" like that?' If you were to be honest you were a little excited, you did have a liking for Genji.

"O-oh okay, shall I go see him now and is there anything I should know?" You were smiling and ready to go to Genji's room.

"Hmm, well you will find out, and yes go visit him now, Genji will like the surprise." Mercy assured you.

With that you waved goodbye to Mercy and started to walk down to Genji's room. You did feel a little nervous, you haven't spoke to Genji in probably three days. Three days was considered a long time for you. You felt bad for not talking to Genij at all but he probably needed some time to himself which you respected. Only a few more rooms that you had to pass until you reached Genji's. Unexpectedly D.Va came out of her room and you accidentally bumped into her.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry D.Va, I didn't see you there." You said worryingly and apologized.

"Haha no need to apologize, my fault for not looking. I was also about to come and find you Y/N, would you like to come out for some late lunch with me and some of the other girls?" D.Va asked nicely with a smile on her face.

"I'm deeply sorry D.Va but I am about to meet with Genji, I need to talk to him about something." You said with an awkward smile.

"Ohhh will Y/N and Genji finally become a thing?" D.Va cooed trying to annoy you.

"I need to go now bye D.Va, speak to you later." You said quickly before you and D.Va waved goodbye.

'Okay since that's over and done with everything should be just fin-' You looked up from the floor and seen Genji leaning on a wall which was just outside his room. 'Please don't tell me he heard everything.' Your heart sank knowing that the sneaky cyborg ninja probably did hear everything. You just stood there in silence looking at him as he was looking at you, probably straight in the eyes.

"So Y/N, you needed me? If you do come in." Genji waved his hand towards his room's door.

"Ahh yes Genji.. I did need to see you. I have something to talk about." You started to walk towards him to go into his room.

"Very well." Genji said calmly while he waited for you to walk into his room.

You felt a little bit weird being in Genji's room with just you and him but you did trust him. His room smelt so nice you loved it, there were photos of him and Hanzo when they were younger and Genji was actually full human. It smelt of beautiful traditional Japanese incense. His room was just lovely but sad at the same time because of the memories when he was younger and human.

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