Uhhh huhh that what I thought,  said Drew.

I just looked at him and mugged.

Drew: I know your ass aint got no where to go so just stay with me.

Honestly I did want to stay with him. He just couldn't know that though.

We were at his house in no time. What shocked me was that his home wasnt a big 10 bed room mansion.  He had him a tricked out bachelor's pad. His colors were Black and Gold. Like he royalty or some shit. When I thought about the type of dude Drew was he really didn't need no big ass house just for him. Yeah he had money,  but he also had logics.

I looked around and was quite pleased with the decor.

Drew: its nice aint it?

I just cut my eyes at him. -___-.

Drew: How about you take a bath / freshen up or whatever and we'll talk.

He handed me a t-shirt and a pair of his boxers.

I took a longg shower that lasted a good hour. I just cried and sung. That was the only way I knew how to be free. Singing was my outlet. When I wouldn't let anyone in. I sung "Not Tonight" by Elle Varner. It hit how I was feeling.

Snippets from Not Tonight. By:  ELLE VARNER.

" I'm staring at him
But I forget to pick my face up off the floor, ooooh
We're in a crowd, but it feels like we're alone, ooooh
Oh my god he just looked at me
And I just wanna tell him something that he's never heard, oooh
But my lips won't let me tell him, tell him
I would say this
But maybe, maybe in another life
I could be the girl who walks up to the guy
And tells him, tells him how she feels inside
But, not tonight, no not tonight
What if he walks towards me
While all the blood is rushing right to my brain
What am I gonna say, what am I gonna say
I may stop breathing and freeze cuz
thats the story of my life. "

"Who would I be
To make my feelings known
I need a little audacity but it's not in my bones
I'm standing here, terrified
Broken hearted, I could die, ooooohh
I'm staring at him
But I forget to pick my face up off the floor
I feel like a fool
And even though I do
I only wanna tell him that I love him more, more."

Snippets Ended..........................................

After my hour crying and singing spell I rubbed cocoa over my body and headed to his room. I looked a mess. The shirt was at my knees and his boxers were hanging off of me.

I quietly knocked on his door with one hand while holding up my boxers in the other.  He told me to come in ,in this sexy baritone voice. When I did I stood mesmerized at his body. I had no I idea he had tattoos. Alot of them at that all over his chest and his arms. I guess the other night I was too worried about getting to know Andrew for Andrew. And not for what was on the outside that much. His body was chiseled with a six pack. God had truly blessed him.

Drew: you liking what you seeing or nahh?

I lightly chuckled trying to hide my embarrasment. Guess this was my first time showing emotion since earlier today.

Drew: Come here, (pats bed)

Me: Nahh. Im good right here (says flatly)

Drew: Foreal Kenn. Stop playing. Im really feeling you. You know that right?

Me: You do?  Didnt really seem like it. Having that skank in the car.

Drew: Look Im sorry. I wanted to come get you right when you called. It wasn't my intentions to hurt you.

*he stood and walked towards me wiping tears that I never knew were there. When he touched me I became stiff. I could tell he noticed my stiffness because her wrapped his arms around me practically suffocating me. He had me for a second I ain't gone lie I melted within his arms. I punched his chest getting chocked up again.

Me: How could you (sob) punch. I trusted you wi... th my heart. And you just dont give a fuck. That's why (sob) why I am (punch) the way I am. (Sob)  I shouldn't have opened up to you. I must admit,  it is my fault. I give your ass a inch you take a FUCKING mile , I said raining punches on him.

.  Although he apologized. He broke trust that was just developing.

He held me even tighter ignoring my constant blows to his chest .After a good ten minutes of fighting his affection I just cried on his chest while he kissed my forehead. I didn't know if this was genuine affection or not but it sure felt like it.  I just wanted to feel loved even if I knew it wasnt real  .We just stared at each others eyes . As if we were talking through our eyes I read remorse and hurt just because he hurt me. And I know through my puffy blood shot eyes he read hurt and disbelief.  But behind that he saw a lost girl who needed to be free. He saw the real me.

I was tired of just looking at him .

Then he spoke.

Drew: You're beautiful and dont even know it.

I began studdering.  Me:  You think Im beautiful?

Drew: You're beautiful. In the morning.  In the evening. You're beautiful. Beauty comes within. Beauty is something special.  You're something special, Kennedy.

No one had ever called me beautiful. Beauty was everything that I ever wanted to be.

I guess thoes words resignated in me and gave me courage. I inched closer to him face to face all we could hear was each other breathing and I kissed him.

And he kissed me back. And. And it felt so right. I had never kissed anybody before. And this was a kiss to remember. My body wanted more and I couldn't find a way to stop it. I wasnt giving him the cookies anytime soon. I hurriedly jumped back in owee of kissing this sexyy boy. I had never felt this way before. So I ran to the farthest room away from his room and locked the door.

I was in ecstasy. My chest heaving. With my lip bleeding. He bit my lip. I didn't even care. I looked in the mirror satisfied I smiled and bit my lower lip . I was scared to go back out.

Knock knock.

Drew: Nuhh Uhhh girl. You done started something now you gotta finish it. You cant just be tounging niggahs down and think that's all thats gonna happen.


Author's Note:

I never thought that my book would take -off as well as it has. You guys inspire me. 
But I need that feedback coming in and thoes follows.

Thanks soo muchhh.

- How long do you think it will take for Kennedy to trust again?

-Kennedy and Drew kissed?

- Does Drew really like Kennedy or is she just a charity case?

- Will Drew drop his hoeing ways just for Kennedy. 

-Love Kaylaaaaaaa. ♥

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