[1]: Her Angel

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A/N: Dedicated to: @Alex_Eve for reading my first book on wattpad and giving me hope. All your comments and votes were extremely precious to me!

Abigail watched Alyx closely, eyeing every move she made, every thing she touched, and every indistinctive emotion that spread across her dull face. She was a beautiful girl in her own way but she appeared to be dried out - as if the life was sucked out of her. 

Alyx slid the chocolate bar across the counter at the cashier, unaware of the old, wrinkly woman staring at her with a deadly glint in her eyes. The cashier - Emily - smiled at the teenager, but Alyx looked away without a second glance. Emily billed the chocolate bar and placed it in a paper bag before handing over the purchased product. 

"Twenty-seven Knots, Ma'am."

Alyx paid the due amount and walked out the shop, the automatic doors sliding open to let her out. The customer next in line smiled at Emily as she lifted the heavy basket of items with difficulty.  

"Ma'am," she glanced over the contents, "these are very expensive items."

A man came up behind Emily and nudged her. He was in uniform as well.

"Sorry, Abigail. She's new here," Mark said apologetically.

Emily glanced from her manager to the customer, confused."

"She's a regular, Emily, and not to worry: she has enough money to buy everything."

She nodded and got to billing the items, her mind wandering off. Abigail was an old woman, barely capable of walking without shaking. She had come in two hours ago to shop and refused any help to carry the items. Not to mention, her clothes weren't at the very least decent, with torn edges and dirt spots. And her hair was greasy and skin wrinkly. She was barely capable of moving ten steps under a minute. 

She's supposed to be a rich fellow? She sure doesn't act the part. 

"That girl," Abigail croaked out, "is quite the thing, isn't she?"

Emily looked up, perplexed. What had she said?

"Uh... Yes," she nodded weakly.

Mark chuckled. "That's the usual, Abigail. Alyx is quite odd."

"Young girls need to smile."

"Yes but Alyx smiling is a sight the world is yet to see." He stretched out his laziness and shoved his hands in his pockets. "There was a bunch of rumors four years ago saying she killed her own mother."

Abigail frowned. "Nonsense... But, what of her father?"

"Alcoholic and abusive - gone into hiding because of debts. Even her sister ran away."

"Sounds like she's just bad luck," Emily added.

The manager tilted his head with uncertainty. "I wouldn't know. Her sister's disappearance and mother's death is still a mystery. And so is she."

Finally, Emily billed the last item and named the price. "Twelve thousand and thirteen Knots, ma'am."

A few minutes later, Abigail shuffled out, carrying bags that weighed her weak body down.

Emily frowned at Mark. "You say Alyx is weird but what about Abigail? How does she even have that much money?"

The manager laughed. "I warned you, dear cousin. Ketsueki isn't a nice place to live. If you think about it, everyone is weird."

"That young police officer isn't weird," she said blushing slightly.

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