"Are you hungry?" I laugh. Ah. It's been a long while since I've laughed. Feels nice.

"Kinda." She answered. "Why don't we change your toppings?"

"I doubt that'll be possible."

"Mmh, why not?"

"Because I'm rotten." I reply, avoiding her eyes. She slaps me in the back,

"You. Are. Not. Rotten." She says clearly. Her phone rings. She looks at me.

(Name)'s POV

My phone suddenly rings. 707.

"(Name)! I'm sorry, I fell asleep, but I am on my way there! Why didn't you contact me? Unknown is right in front of you, you can get killed!" 707 screams through the phone, then hangs up. Great. I forgot about the cameras in the hallways. I look up, meeting unknown's eyes.


He left.

He didn't kidnap me,

didn't hurt me,

But instead, he had a nice conversation with me.

I don't think you're a bad person.

You're just a person who made some wrong choices.

You succumbed to your negative thoughts.

You're not a bad person.


"Are you okay, (name)?" 707 asks with worried eyes.

"I'm alright, nothing bad happened." I reply, smiling.

"What were you talking about? It looked like you were speaking to each other."

"I don't want to talk about this right n-"

"I understand. You must be so scared. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you." He places his hand on top of mine.

How funny.

Protect me from what?


Saeran's POV


I was shocked, but left anyways. Why'd you protect me?


707: please stay safe.

(Name): okay

707 has left the chatroom.

Unknown has entered the chatroom.

Unknown: (name)

(Name): ohmygod

Unknown: don't worry, nobody else will be able to see this.

(Name): oh.

(Name): Hello.

Unknown: How are you?

(Name): lololol so formal

Unknown: just answer the damn question =_=

(Name): lol chill

Unknown: =_=

(Name): I'm doing fine, how about you?

Unknown: =_=

(Name): just answer the damn question =_=

Unknown: lol chill

(Name): stop

Unknown: I'm doing alright :)

(Name): so.. what brings you here?

Unknown: i miss you

(Name): so honest <3

Unknown: you're unique

(Name): I know :)

Unknown: why'd you protect me?

(Name): cause you're a fallen angel

Unknown: why would you help someone who was kicked out of heaven?

(Name): I said you're a fallen angel, I didn't say you were kicked out of heaven.

(Name): You fell from heaven because of a demon, but you still have your wings. You're still able to fly.

(Name): so fly~

Unknown: my wings are hurt. They don't work.

(Name): I'll help you heal them.

Unknown: okay.

Unknown has left the chatroom.

(Name) has left the chatroom.
Everyone who's been in my life hurt me, betrayed me.

I don't want to get hurt anymore.

I should kill you and take you to paradise.

But a part of me thinks that if it's you,

I wouldn't mind being betrayed.


A/N: I'm so tired, I need sleep. This might get a part 2 :)

lowkey half asleep rn =_=

Hope you enjoyed tho!

Part 2 coming up! (Maybe)

But for now, I'll be sleeping.

Bye :)

Mystic Messenger (one shots)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin