This is our game almost every morning.

"Daddy stawwwwp" Wessam squeals as his body is shaking with fits of laughter.

Younes on the other hand is busy trying to wiggle his way out of my arms.

"Nope, you have to say the magic words!" I say, as I blow some raspberries on their milky white chubby stomachs not stopping my hands from tickling them everywhere.

"Otay Otay!" Younes yells, still wiggling.

"You are the bestest daddy in the whole wide wowld and we wuv you vewy muwch!" They say simultaneously.

I stop tickling them and give them each a kiss on their head before ruffling their mop of brown curls.

"Come on boys, head on down and wake your big sister up." I tell them and watch them sprint out our bedroom door.

Through all of this, Layla is watching us with love shining in her eyes. I gaze into her eyes and watch as tears start to slowly form in the corner of her eyes. I sit up straight and bring her to my chest and wrap my arms around her body in a tight grip.

"What's wrong habibti?" I murmur into her hair.

I hear her sniff before she starts speaking. "I think this is the pregnancy hormones speaking but I feel so blessed. I can't imagine my life without you and our beautiful children. Thank you for coming into my life, and thank you for giving me a chance and letting me in to your world, thank you for accepting me when most would have turned away from me." She says as her grip tightens on my neck.

She rests her head between my neck and shoulder, snuggling closer to me.

"No Layla. Thank you. Thank you for giving me a family that any man in his right mind desires and thank you for giving me those 3 beautiful children and the 4th one coming on it's way. But most important of all thank you for giving me a second chance and believing in us when I didn't. Thank you for forgiving for all the bad things I've committed and all of the pain I've caused you. I don't deserve you, but I'll try my best to be worthy of you for the rest of our lives. I promise you habibti." I say feeling the emotions choking me.

Layla leans back, and looks me in the eyes.
"Hey! We decided to put that behind us. I've forgiven and forgotten! Besides we are all human and I believe everyone deserves a second chance."

I stare at the woman in my arms in wonder.

How did I ever get this lucky?

"You know I love you right?" I ask her as I lean closer to her.

Layla looks down, a slight crimson blush forming on her flawless face. "I love you too, Adam. So much." She says quietly, slightly biting her bottom lip.

That's all she has to say and do before I lose all control and lean down to capture her luscious lips with mine in a long embrace. I bite her bottom lip gently as I begin to move my lips against hers igniting a flame inside of me.

This woman has put a spell on me and I never want it to be broken. She makes me the happiest I've ever been, and life with her is never dull but rather filled with surprises and love.

"Mommy! Daddy! Come on wake up!" Melak's voice rings through the air all the way from downstairs, breaking our moment.

We break contact and stare into each other eyes before Layla leans forward and gives me a quick peck on the tip of my nose before getting up to get ready.

Fix me (COMPLETED) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now